Page 1 of The Comeback



Eight years ago

I grip Jett’s hand as we walk slowly up the sidewalk toward my house. With each step, I pray for this night to go on forever. We still have a week together before he leaves to go back to Reno, so why does tonight somehow hold the foreboding that everything is about to change?

I swallow. I’m being dramatic. I just hate it because it’s only July, but such is the life of a football player—half the summer gone to practice. An itch under my skin seems to justify my worries, dramatic or not. Jett’s been at the University of Nevada, Reno for two years now, and doing long distance has been so difficult, especially with his rigorous football schedule. This last year, my freshman year at the University of Houston was slightly easier than the one before, with more freedom to take off to visit Jett whenever I wanted—well, whenever my schedule would permit. Reno is two thousand miles away from Houston. Those few visits just aren’t enough. Our happily ever after, the one we’ve always planned for, seems further and further out of reach with every day, and another year apart looming before us doesn’t help. I’ve known since we started dating in my junior year of high school that Jett was the one, my soulmate, my future spouse. But I can’t help thoughts that maybe we won’t make it that far. Even if he is my best friend.

“Sleepy, Ave?” Jett asks, tilting his head at me and stopping next to the big elm tree in my yard. We’ve always jokingly said it was safer than my front porch. Living with my parents for the summer after being on my own at school has been weird, but they love Jett like he’s their kid. They haven’t tried to stop us from spending every minute we can together.

I lean against the tree and shake my head. “Just thinking about how we have to spend another year apart.” Three more, actually, while I finish school.

Jett pulls me toward him. “I know,” he says softly into my hair.

I tilt away from him to study his face. He looks just like a star quarterback should. Bright blue eyes, square jaw, thick, dark hair, and a wide smile. “You think we’ll be okay?”

I know what he’ll say. I can almost mouth it with him. “Of course,” he says. “We’re gonna be just fine. We’ve made it two years already, no problem, haven’t we?”

Jett is the optimistic one, the believer to the doubts that have plagued me since he graduated from high school two years ago. I need him to remind me that things will work out. No matter what anyone else thinks. Even people who say that high school sweethearts never make it, especially when they’re going to separate colleges.

Jett steps back and takes both of my hands in his. “I’ve been thinking about us too. For a while, actually.”

I smile. His words, the calm way he says them, his confidence, all help most of my worries flit away. We have FaceTime and phone calls, and if I put in extra hours at my call-center job once Jett leaves to start practices for football, it will equal more trips to see him.

“About?” I prod.

“You should come to Reno with me.”

I take a breath. He’s talked about this since he graduated, more this year, but always in a “Here’s an option” kind of way that neither of us have taken seriously. Have we? His future is set. Full scholarship to University of Nevada, then professional football. No one else is saying it’s sure yet, but we know.

“You know I can’t,” I say. I’m already registered for my second year at University of Houston. My tuition is in-state and affordable with a few local scholarships. There’s no way I can afford out-of-state tuition at UNR. I lean into him. I miss being with him all the time. I want some magic solution for us to be together. As much as his simple request tempts me, I can’t run off to Reno with Jett.

“I have some friends looking for roommates, and after I talked about you all semester, they definitely want you.”

“Are you sure it’s not just so you’ll stop talking about me so much?” I tease. My heart beats fast. I want to believe it can work, but it can’t. We’ll never be able to make enough to pay for my tuition, not without going into a mountain of debt. Debt we could pay back once he makes it to the pros, sure. I believe it with all my heart, but my worries are chipping away at things and pushing nasty what-ifs in my face.

Jett’s undeterred by my joking, unsurprisingly. “It’s already a cheap apartment, and split with the four other women, even cheaper. I’ll help you. We’ll pool our money for food and stuff. If we’re together, we can make it work.” Does he realize he’s squeezing my hands like he can will me to say yes if his grip is firm enough? I pull away, adjusting my hands on his arms. He’s really strong.

I don’t speak right away. Out-of-state tuition for me is the biggest problem. No way can Jett get the kind of job before going pro that we’d both need to have. Football takes up too much time. His expenses are all covered by his scholarship, and I can’t take money he earns to make my ends meet.

Jett knows I’m processing, and normally he lets me do that, but he jumps in quickly. “Ava, really think about it. I need you there. You’ve always been my rock, and it’s so hard doing this without you. The pressure and everything.” He wants to make starting quarterback this year, and I’ve told him countless times he can do it.

I reach up and take his face in my hands, my negative thoughts settling in the back of my mind for a moment. “Jett. Of course you can. You’re amazing. We both know it. Don’t think like that.”

He circles my wrists with his hands and leans his forehead down to mine. “I mean it, Ave. I need you. I really need you, and I know we can find a way to make it work.”


“Wait, there’s more.” He straightens again. “Coach D. has a brother in Reno. They found me a job for the summer that’s going to be flexible, but I’ll be able to make a decent amount of money. Definitely enough to pay rent for the school year so you can pay your tuition. We can do it, Ave. We can.”

“And by rent, you mean my rent because yours is covered by a housing allowance,” I point out, scowling.

“Yes. Because I want to do anything to be with you. Anything, Ave.”

“Jett, I can’t?—”

“Then, marry me, Ava.” The words burst from him, like he’s been holding them back for a long time. Like maybe he wanted to lead with it. He supports my suspicions by reaching into his pocket.