Page 65 of Mismatched

But then I remember.

“We’re going because—” I force myself to take a breath, knowing I should stop. I promised. Then I say it anyway. “We’re having a baby.”

“Whoa . . . Lydia’s pregnant?”

“Yes.” My chest swells with the confirmation, right before a trickle of guilt seeps in. “But—shit—you’re not supposed to know. It’s pretty early and she doesn’t want to announce yet.”

Seth chuckles, walking back his enthusiasm. “Okay, got it. Don’t spill the beans and get you in trouble.“

“Yeah, thanks, man.” I exhale, sitting back in my chair. I wasn’t really worried about Seth sharing the news. But I’m surprised by the relief I feel being able to talk with him about it. “I... we’re excited.”

“That is exciting—I should’ve given my congratulations first. I didn’t realize you guys were so serious when you said you were going for it.”

“Yeah, it . . . just worked out.”

He clears his throat. “Well, sounds like you’ve got plenty to deal with next month. So let’s not worry about Thanksgiving.”

“No.” I grunt. “Our family should be together.”

“Anton, this sale could fall through like the last one,” he says patiently. “If I do luck out and get to move that weekend, Bruno and I will share a turkey sandwich while we unpack.”

I clench my jaw. It’s not like we have a precedent of spending the holiday together. It never seemed right leaving Mom on her own, so Seth used to do a video call from her bedside, eating pumpkin pie off her hospital tray. “I just hate the idea of you spending it alone.”

“I think I’m going to have a way better time than you. Unless you’re thinking of having Lydia’s mother declawed?”

I snort. “I’ll take it under advisement.”

“Good.” His tone lightens. “So, when’s the stork due to arrive?”

“May sixteenth, if all goes well.”

“Okay.” I hear him clap. “That gives me time to work on my fun-uncles vibes.”

And actually, I can picture Seth being exactly that. Getting on the floor and playing with our kid. Taking them out for ice cream. Teaching them all manner of things from how to ride a bike to the best way to win at checkers.

For a moment, I wish I could call Mom and share the news with her, too. She would’ve been so excited, offering to knit something, or maybe to come help after the birth. But as soon as my heart starts to sink, I close my eyes and push it away. I can’t stay sad about what I’ve lost when there are so many reasons to be happy about what’s to come.



Are you and Anton for sure spending Thanksgiving in Ohio?

Unless the earth opens up and swallows me.


Crossing fingers for seismic activity. ♥?

Can I ask a TINY favor?

Of course. What’s up?


Could you watch a video and tell me what you see?

Sure . . . send it over.