Page 36 of Mismatched

He waits patiently as I navigate through a busy intersection.

“I mean, guess I can’t lie, things felt a bit dark right after Mom’s service.”

“Sucks being a couple of orphans.” He nods.

“Yeah...” I hadn’t thought of it that way. And for just a second that awful, vacant feeling starts creeping back into my chest, shortening my breaths. But then I look over at my brother and think about spending the evening with him. With Lydia. Once he moves here, we’ll get to see each other all the time. And, I realize with sudden warmth, he’ll be such a fun uncle to our kid. “I’m glad you’re coming to Denver.”

Seth grins. “I like it here. And I definitely need a change of scene.”

His phone buzzes, and he snorts, fingers flying in response. “Lydia suggests we pick up from Little Anita’s. She also says you took too long and she went home, but she’ll consider a rain check.”

I suck in a breath. At least that question’s answered.

Seth’s phone buzzes again, and this time he laughs out loud. “She says to tell you: Love is not just something you feel, it’s something you do.” He looks at me sideways. “Did she just one-up me while flirting with you? I feel used.”

I turn toward Little Anita’s, my mood steadily improving.

My brother continues his back and forth with my wife, or so I assume, as he types wildly, pauses, then types some more. But when he doesn’t share any more with me, a distinctly suspicious feeling creeps in. Which is validated when I pull into a parking space in front of the restaurant and Seth clears his throat. “Things are okay with you guys though, right?”

“You already asked that.”

“Uh, I’m just being thorough,” he says, fidgeting with my phone charger. “And um... you feel okay?”

“My wife just used you to insinuate she wants to have sex with me.” I gesture toward his phone. “I’m fucking great, Seth.”

“Can’t argue with that.” He laughs, but it sounds hollow. “I just—you’ve been through a lot this year with each other, and then Mom?—”

“We’re better than ever,” I say quickly, and before I can think it through, “Actually, we’re going to try for a kid.”

The words hang in the air a surprising amount of time before Seth finally says, “Really?”

My shoulders tense at the surprise in his tone. “What? She didn’t already tell you?” I snap, looking pointedly at his phone. Though part of me kind of wishes she had.

“Hey, don’t get mad at Lydia.” He holds up his hands. “I was the one who?—”

“I know.” I draw my hand over my face. “You two aren’t exactly subtle. Whispering to each other, organizing this visit, comparing notes. I appreciate the concern, I really do, but Mom just died. It’s going to take some time.”

“I’m sorry, man.” Seth exhales, then meets my gaze. “You’re right. I need to back off. I just... want things to feel right again.”

My pulse pounds in my temple. “Believe me. I do too.”

“So... a baby, huh?” he says after a minute, in a forced tone. “You two sure you’re ready for that?”

“You’re the one who told me to make our own family.”

He hesitates a long moment. “Not sure I meant?—”

I open my door, forcing him out of the car. “Seth, let’s get the food and get home. Celebrate Mom’s house going under contract, and your cat’s ridiculous new bachelor pad. But after that, you may remember my previously frigid wife is waiting to have sex with me, so... you can borrow my car keys. Or if you prefer, I have earplugs.”

Seth follows me into the restaurant with a huff. “That’s supposed to be my line.”


When I walk into Ooh La Pooch just before six p.m. on Tuesday, I’m surprised to find Henry, of all people, standing in one of his expensive suits in a pile of dog hair, speaking with my grooming manager, Scarlet. Judging by the looks on their faces, it’s a heated conversation. When she sees me, she reddens and steps away from him, combing through the ears of the already immaculately groomed bichon frise on the table in front of her. Henry also takes a step back, bumping into one of the stand dryers.

“Lydia. I—uh, I thought you were at Pooch II today.” He straightens, brushing at the sleeve of his jacket. “I was just... explaining the new POS system to Ms. Lawson.”

I glance again at Scarlet, who looks like she’s hoping the earth will swallow him. They’re nowhere near the register.