At least now he knew none of the subs who had previously worn it had been lying when they said they couldn’t see a thing. He’d liked using the blindfold because it had taken some of the pressure off him when he’d been the one leading the scene. Now, he liked it because it kept him guessing, but he also hated it because he liked watching Mistress Julie.
Seeing her kneeling between his legs, even though she’d just been tying him up, was going to give him fantasy fodder for weeks.
“You know what I realized, Connor?” she asked as she moved in front of him. Something brushed against the inside of his thigh, making him jerk, which moved all the ropes again.
“What, Mistress?” he asked. The strain in his voice was evident.
“I realized we skipped dessert. So, I thought I should have it now.”
The slight hissing sound was the only warning he got before something cool and soft landed right on his dick.
Shit! Whipped cream!
The aerosol kind. It wasn’t freezing, like ice, but it was cold enough to make him try to jerk away—which, of course, he couldn’t. Both the chair and the ropes stopped him. A moment later, he was very thankful for that, as a hot tongue followed the path of the whipped cream, licking it off his dick.
Connor froze.
It wasn’t a conscious decision, as though he thought she’d suddenly stop if he moved, but he felt her tongue and instinctively went stock still.
Fuck. Just the sound of her pleasure made his cock throb in response, the air cool against where she’d just licked the cream from it.
The hissing noise and the chill swath that spread over the length of his cock was very welcome because now he knew what came next. Wet warmth slid over his length, lapping up the cream, making him shudder from the mixing sensations.
“Fuck…” The word came out as a guttural groan as her tongue teased the underside of his cock, all the way up to the extra sensitive tip.
“Not yet,” she answered, teasing. He didn’t get a chance to respond as she unleashed a whole pile of whipped cream onto the tip of his dick. He winced at the chilly sensation, then gasped as she didn’t lick it off—no, she took the whole head of his cock into her mouth, sucking it off and laving her tongue over the tip for good measure.
Then she was gone again.
It was the most frustrating blowjob he’d ever received in his life and also the most thrilling.
Cool cream. The wet heat of her tongue or mouth. And then the retreat. Never giving him enough to truly work his way toward orgasm. Never doing more than what she needed to get her cream. Toying with him and the alternating chill and heat on his most sensitive parts.
She worked her way up and down the shaft, coming back to the tip several times as though she liked hearing him whimper. Connor didn’t bother to hold back with the sounds he was making. Why fight it? It felt really fucking good, and he wanted her to know that.
The ache grew in his balls with every passing second, making him squirm in the seat, the ropes rubbing over his skin. She’d done a good job tying him; nothing tightened too much, but he was held securely in place too.
It was starting to drive him up the wall. The need was growing, and while he hadn’t held back on the sounds he was making, he did hold back on the begging. Not because he was too proud but because he didn’t want her to feel like she had to stop what she was doing if she wasn’t ready. While he knew that a dominant would do what they wanted, he was trying really hard to show that he was fully submitting to her control.
That included not begging for anything specific.
Even though it was really fucking hard. As hard as his dick was. And right now, his dick felt like a steel bar. An aching steel bar.
“Fuck!” He practically bellowed the word as her mouth covered his tip again, but this time, instead of immediately moving away, her lips slid down the length, taking him deeper into the wet warmth. It took all of his willpower not to start begging her to just finish him then and there.
Pulling her head back up, Julie smiled as she lapped the last of the cream from Connor’s cock. Giving head wasn’t her favorite thing in the world, but she did love the way it brought a man to his knees—metaphorically, since Connor was currently tied in a position that wouldn’t allow him to get on his knees.
She’d already taken the time to take off her clothes, so now she climbed up on Connor’s lap. The impulse to impale herself on his cock was there, but she wanted to tease him a bit more. Since his mouth was already hanging open as he waited, it was very easy to pull his head forward so she could place her nipple between his lips.
Immediately, he realized what she was doing, and he sucked… Hard. Julie moaned as the sensation shot straight through her, making her insides clench. The tiny bud throbbed between his lips as his teeth scraped delicately over it, the pull of suction coming in pulses.
Closing her eyes, Julie squirmed on his lap, bringing the head of his cock around to rub against her labia, teasing both of them. When he moaned, releasing her nipple, she moved his head to the other one for the same treatment. Rocking on his lap, rubbing the tip of his cock along the wet length of her pussy, she moaned as he suckled her other nipple. The first one was still tightly budded, the air feeling cool against her wet skin, adding to her arousal as the second was engulfed in the warmth of his mouth.
The need was building up inside her, and she teased them both by sinking down a little onto his cock. He groaned again, his mouth still full of her nipple, then sucked even harder. Julie shuddered atop him, her muscles clenching around as much of his cock was inside her.