Page 49 of Secret Submission

But there was nothing she could do.

“Patrick thinks I should relocate.” Cassidy lifted her head, meeting Julie’s gaze. Her face was incredibly pale. “His cousin works for a security firm in Pittsburgh.”

“The one that Kincaid is working with now?” Julie asked automatically. She knew the Dom had recently moved from the police force to a private security firm that wanted to open a DC office.

Cassidy nodded.

“They have a good reputation. Do you want to move?”

“No… yes… I don’t know.” Cassidy dropped her head down again and shuddered. She took in a deep breath and let it out.

Julie waited patiently, proud of the progress Cassidy had made. She was working her way through her breathing exercises, through her emotions, rather than allowing them to control her.

“Part of me wants to run away. Part of me is mad that I feel that way. But I also… what’s worse, running away or dying? It feels like he wins either way, but at least one way I’m still alive.”

Dammit. And Julie couldn’t even reassure her that staying wouldn’t mean her death. There was every chance it would. She couldn’t diagnose Don since he wasn’t her patient, but his obsessive fixation wasn’t going to just suddenly go away.

“So, you’d be staying with Patrick’s cousin?” It was a bold move. Send her hours away to live with someone who had the skills to protect her if asshole figured out where she was and followed her.

Not that there weren’t people here who would be willing and ready to protect her, but none of them belonged to a security firm. Well, except Kincaid, but he was helping set up the new office, so he could hardly be on call 24/7. Plus, he was distracted by whatever was going on with him and Zach. Throwing a submissive in danger into the mix was hardly going to be good for any of them, including Cassidy. She needed to be around stability, even if asshole Don wasn’t a factor.

Cassidy nodded.

“Drew and his wife, Naomi. They’re the ones who rescued Morgan.” Hope crept into her voice, giving it a little lift. The fact that they’d already rescued another abusive submissive seemed to make her feel better.

Julie hadn’t been around then, but she’d heard some of what had brought Morgan to Stronghold.

“It sounds like you want to say yes.”

“I…” Cassidy blew out her breath, lifting her head and staring out the window of Julie’s office. “I think I do, but I hate the idea of leaving. I hate the idea of being chased away. I hate feeling this weak. And…” Her voice trailed off.

“And?” Julie prodded gently after a moment of silence.

Cassidy gulped and closed her eyes. Wet tears dotted her lashes.

“I don’t want people here to think I’m ungrateful.”

“Oh, honey.” It might not be professional, but Julie didn’t care. Sometimes, when it came to her clients from the club, the lines blurred a little. Especially with someone like Cassidy. Julie reached out and put her hand on Cassidy’s, prompting the other woman to open her eyes again. “No one is going to think you’re ungrateful. They’re just going to be happy you’re taking care of yourself. That you’re safe.”

Hitch in her breath, Cassidy nodded.

“No one will think you’re weak, either. They’ll think you’re smart, going to a place where you’re more likely to be safe. That’s not an option for everyone.”

Nodding, Cassidy reached up to wipe away some of her tears before they could slide down her cheeks.

“I know. I’m lucky in that way. Patrick said Drew and Naomi would help me get a job, too. Something where it won’t be easy to track me down. They even… well.” She coughed. “Let’s just say they said they could even get me a new name if I wanted.”

“It sounds perfect.”

“Sort of.” Cassidy’s face crumbled. “But my friends are here. I’ve made friends here. I like living here.” And friends were all Cassidy had. Her parents had been killed in a car accident when she was in her early twenties. She had no siblings. While she had two aunts, an uncle, and several cousins, they were spread out across the country, and she’d never had much contact with any of them, even when her parents were alive. She hadn’t had a close family, which was why she valued her friends so much.

All of which were things they’d talked about in previous sessions, so Julie knew how hard it would be for Cassidy to leave.

“You won’t be far enough away to prohibit visits. And there are definitely ways to keep in touch, even without social media. You can talk with your friends every day if you want.”

“That’s true. It won’t be the same, but…” Cassidy perked up a little. “And I know there’s a club in Pittsburgh.”

“The Outlands.” Julie smiled at her. “It’s a very nice club, especially since the renovation. Kind of a cross between Marquis and Stronghold.”