Page 40 of Secret Submission

“It was supposed to be a high school senior prank! Who calls the cops on the high school senior prank?” He shook his head. “Besides, that’s been expunged.” Beside him, Morgan’s mouth had dropped open.

“I didn’t know you got arrested for stealing a goat! Why would you steal a goat?”

“Because it was our rival high school’s mascot.” Asad shrugged, though he looked a little sheepish. “They stole our mascot’s uniform, so we stole their mascot. It was only a small escalation.” He looked over at Julie. “How did you even know about that?”

“I have my ways,” she replied airily, making a mental note to ask Olivia for more dirt on Asad. If he was going to give her a hard time, even jokingly, she was going to dish it right back.

With his kind of personality, he’d probably just respect her more for it.

“Hey, Connor… can I ask a favor?” The question, asked by a deep, masculine voice, grabbed Julie’s attention.

“Sure, what’s up?” Connor replied to Master Will.

“Do you mind taking my Dungeon Monitor shift tomorrow night? Sorry about the late notice. Gina’s mom needs some help tomorrow, and while they could do it with the baby there, it?—”

“But I’m a sub,” Connor interrupted, sounding a little shocked. Will stared at him.

“You’re still you, man.”

Connor opened his mouth. Closed it. Julie gave him a nudge. If he wanted to take the shift, he should. It might go a long way to showing him that nothing had really changed. There was a part of her that was a little sad, though. They hadn’t discussed getting together tomorrow, but now that it wasn’t going to be a possibility, she wished they had.

Still. At least she’d know where he was. She could always come by. Dungeon Monitor duties didn’t take all night.

“Um, yeah. I can cover for you.”

“Thanks, appreciate it.” Will clapped Connor on the shoulder and walked away.

It wasn’t until he was moving away from the table that Julie frowned. Sure, Will could have asked Connor because he realized Connor was struggling with being publicly a submissive and wanted to show him that things hadn’t changed, but she wasn’t sure Will and Connor knew each other that well. Would Will have realized that was going to be a problem?

She looked around at the other Doms at the table.

“What’s wrong?” Law asked, frowning back at her.

“Just trying to figure out why Will only asked Connor to cover for him, instead of asking if any of you were available.” Any one of them could have served as Dungeon Monitor tomorrow, including her.

“Oh, everyone always asks Connor because he never says no,” Asad replied easily. Julie blinked, turning to look at Connor, who shrugged.

“I don’t mind helping out.”

Hm. She was going to have to poke at that further. There wasn’t anything wrong with helping out, but she also didn’t want anyone taking advantage of her submissive’s giving nature. At least she knew this was a long-running thing and not because people knew he was submissive and, therefore, thought he’d say yes.

Having Will ask did seem to make Connor happy, though, so she’d leave it alone.

For now.



Dungeon Monitor duty wasn’t any different as a sub, other than getting much more enthusiastic greetings from the other submissives. He felt as if he’d been on one side of the wall, and now he was on the other. Or maybe as though the wall had been knocked down completely. It wasn’t as if any of the dominants were treating him any differently.

It made him feel as if he was going a little crazy. No one was reacting the way he’d thought they would. He was the only one who thought it was a big deal that he’d lied to people. Even if it hadn’t been an intentional lie. Even if it hadn’t really affected anyone but himself.

And yes, when he thought about how he’d feel if someone he knew discovered they were submissive when they thought they were a dominant or vice versa, and it wouldn’t matter to him, somehow it felt like it should matter to everyone else. Maybe he needed therapy.

Maybe having a psychologist for a girlfriend would count?

If Julie was his girlfriend. They hadn’t exactly discussed titles yet, but she did want him to meet her family, so…