Time to stop, regrettably. At some point, maybe they’d get to do a public scene where she’d have help getting him down if she needed it.
Putting the flogger back in place, she was pretty sure he didn’t even notice things had paused until she put her hand on his back. He sucked in a breath, shuddering and lifting his head, straightening up as if he was coming back to himself.
Standing at his side, she rubbed one hand across his sensitized skin while the other moved over his chest, then dipped lower, following the line of hair that went down his stomach to his groin. She’d always had a thing for happy trails.
“Do you think you can make it to the bedroom, Connor?” she asked as the tip of his cock brushed against the back of her hand. It was velvety soft and a little wet from the precum leaking from it.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He gave himself a shake, as though he was trying to shake off a spell, blinking down at her and dropping his arms. The movement forced her to step back, which wasn’t the worst thing since it meant more torment for him. Something he realized as soon as she moved away, her hands no longer on him.
Julie grinned wickedly.
“Get yourself in the bedroom then. I want you in the middle of the bed, on your back, with your hand around your cock to keep you ready for me.”
“That won’t be a problem,” he muttered, even as he started to turn.
She laughed softly, reaching out to smack his ass hard enough to leave a print on top of the already pink skin, making him jump. Just because he was funny didn’t mean the backtalk would go unacknowledged.
It was nice to know that he didn’t think he was going to have any trouble staying ready for her, though.
As much as she was enjoying watching his backside as he led the way into the bedroom, she was looking forward to him being on his back even more. Her personal playground for the evening. Lying on his back would mean all his weight would be on his sensitive skin, which would be pressed up against the silky sheets on the bed…
This was going to be so much fun.
“Good boy,” she murmured as he got into position. His cock was completely proportional, which made her wonder if she was biting off more than she could chew… but she certainly wasn’t going to go sleep tonight without trying.
He turned his head to watch her as she started to strip down. His hand was on his cock, moving, as she tugged her clothing off. Julie enjoyed the look in his eyes—an adoring man’s eyes were a better mirror than a length of glass could ever be. Running her hands down her body, she enjoyed watching his gaze follow the movement, the growing hunger in his eyes showing as he clenched one hand in the sheets as if he was stopping himself from reaching for her.
Under his gaze, her puckered nipples tightened even more, her body humming with arousal. He was a big man buffet, all laid out for her to enjoy… and she certainly planned to.
“Keep your hands to yourself unless I tell you to touch me,” she ordered as she crawled onto the bed. Her breasts hung beneath her, his gaze dropping to them for a moment before returning to hers.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he agreed, then groaned as she knelt beside him, placing both of her hands on the middle of his thighs. The wiry hair beneath her palms was softer than his chest hair, but not by much. Julie grinned as she pressed her thumbs into the sensitive spot on his inner thighs, then began to move her hands up his legs.
His fingers gripped the sheet and his dick, his hips moving upward, cock bouncing against his lower stomach as her hands slid across his skin. The large but tender sack hanging below them was her first stop. Watching his face, Julie straddled his thighs as she gently cupped his balls… then tugged.
“Fuck!” His hips surged upward again, though they couldn’t do quite as much with her on his thighs… but he was so big that she ended up moving a little more than intended, sliding toward his dick. It was like riding an earthquake—he was so big, and she was so much smaller, yet it didn’t matter.
He was letting her do whatever she wanted to him.
The rush of power of having such a big, strong man at her command was heady.
Size had never mattered to her before, but she couldn’t deny the difference between them gave the experience a little something extra.
“Do you like a bit of pain?” Julie asked, her tone almost sympathetic. Almost. She tugged on his balls again, a little harder this time, and his cock bounced. Wrapping her hand around the base of the thick, hot shaft, she elicited another groan from him. “You certainly seem to.”
“I think I just like you touching me.”
“Mmm, so it doesn’t matter what I do, you’ll like it?” She twisted his balls slightly, allowing her to get a finger twisted around underneath them so she could drag her nail across his sensitive perineum. He whimpered. Oh, she liked making Connor whimper. Maybe a little too much. Her core tightened.
“Unfortunately for me, yes.” The expression on his face was almost sheepish, offset by the burning need in his eyes.
Fuck, she wanted to ride him… but she was also enjoying torturing him too much. The sadist’s dilemma.
His balls ached, his cock ached—for two totally different reasons—and Mistress Julie was scraping the sensitive spot just under his balls and making his sphincter tighten in fear. Not because he didn’t want her finger in his ass; it was just an instinct. That and if she scraped her nail over the sensitive skin around his anus, it was probably going to hurt even more than the strokes over his perineum.