Page 24 of Secret Submission

“Very good boy,” she said, and his expression cleared, tinged with relief. She stroked her fingers through his hair. “A little too good. Let me catch my breath, then I’ll reward you with a flogging.”

Connor sucked in a breath, but the smile that lit up his face made her want to hurry up and get him under her lash.



Stripped down, standing under the wooden frame with his hands resting against the wooden beam going across the top of it, he couldn’t decide if he wished he was cuffed to it or not. Hanging on gave him more freedom, and this was his first time going through a full flogger session as a submissive—he’d experienced multiple types during his class to become a Dom, but that hadn’t included a full-on session. On the other hand, part of him wondered about being restricted.

“For standing up like this while we’re here at Marquis, I’m not going to use cuffs.” Julie smiled at him, as if it was no big deal that she’d just read his mind. Her dress had, sadly, fallen back into place, though she hadn’t put her underwear back on. Putting one hand on his chest, she patted it reassuringly. “Just in case you get a little spacey. It would be difficult for me to get you down from them by myself. If you want to try cuffs, we can do that on the bed after this.”

She laughed at his change in expression because he hadn’t been able to stop himself from perking up.

Yes, he liked the idea of being cuffed and at her mercy. It wasn’t often that he felt truly vulnerable. Even when he was kneeling at her feet, he knew that he was bigger and stronger than her—it was a choice. His choice. His gift of submission. That’s what some of the people in the scene called it.

He liked the idea of finding out what it would be like to be vulnerable to her. To put even more of his trust in her.

“Thank you,” he said, for both the offer of cuffs and because he realized she was thinking of him by not using them right now. If he went into subspace or something happened and he needed out of the cuffs immediately, it would be difficult for her to get him out of them by herself while he was standing. Even quick-release cuffs. She’d need a stepstool to get up to where his wrists were above his head, both to put the cuffs on and to take them off.

Curling his hands over the top of the beam, he rotated his shoulders, loosening up the muscles. Mistress Julie smiled and patted his chest again, rubbing her hand through the hair there. He’d wondered before tonight if he should shave—a lot of the male subs did—but it seemed like she liked touching his hair, and it didn’t matter whether it was on his head or his chest.

He’d leave it unless she asked him to remove it.

“Did you have a favorite flogger during the class?” she asked, her hand still in place.

“The one with the knots,” he said immediately. Sometimes, he’d dreamed about that flogger. It had felt like a massage, and he hadn’t wanted it to end, but that wasn’t something he’d been able to admit during the class. Not in front of the other Doms. Or Law.

Patting his chest one last time, Mistress Julie nodded and let her hand drop. Immediately, he missed her touch. His cock moved. No longer tightly confined by his pants, it made a huge tent out of his boxers. Not that she seemed to notice that his dick was straining toward her—she’d already turned to go to the floggers.

Which, of course, just made his dick even harder when she hefted the one in question in her hand.

The falls were a couple feet long with big knots at the end that gave them a ‘thuddy’ feel. He hoped it felt as good as he remembered. With one last little smile in his direction, Mistress Julie walked around behind him. His muscles tensed, knowing she was back there but unable to see what she was doing.

When she put her hand on his shoulder, he almost jumped in surprise.

“I’m going to start in a moment, then I’ll stop regularly to check in since this is your first time. You can drop your hands down or say ‘red’ to stop me at any time unless you have another safeword you want to use.”


He felt her pause.

“Beetles? Like the insect?”

Connor felt his cheeks heat. This was what he got for trying to be clever when he was thinking of a safeword.

“Like the band,” he mumbled. “You know… help, I need somebody?”

Mistress Julie cracked up, and his blush receded as warmth filled his chest. That was the reaction he’d been hoping for.

“That’s one I haven’t heard before.” She chuckled again, and the warmth expanded to his whole body as a sense of pride filled him.

Was it that big a deal that he’d used a safeword she’d never heard? Probably not, but he liked knowing that he’d done something first with her when she was going to be his first for so many things.

“Beatles it is. Though my goal is to make sure you don’t need to call for help.”

“I’m sure I won’t.”

As far as he knew, Mistress Julie had never pushed anyone to their limit, much less past it. He didn’t think she was suddenly going to start with him, but he knew that having the safeword made everyone feel better. It certainly had him when he’d been the one in charge. Maybe it was different for real Doms, but she had asked for one, and he knew most of his friends preferred having one.