Page 16 of Secret Submission


“Law! Law, Connor has something to tell us!” The gleeful note in Asad’s voice made Connor smile and shake his head. At least he had one friend who would completely back him up. Following Asad and Morgan down the hall into the kitchen, he found Law there with Iris, Q, and Sam. The gang’s all here.

He couldn’t decide if that was better or worse.

Ripping off the band-aid with Asad had been impulsive, which wasn’t like him, but it had been a relief. He’d been fairly certain how Asad would react, and it felt easier to tell just one of his friends instead of all of them. Having Morgan there had been helpful, too. The two of them had become close even before she’d gotten together with Asad, and he’d known she would accept him as he was.

He didn’t know Sam or Iris as well. Though he liked both of them, his time with them was due to their being connected to Q and Law. Eventually, that might change, but they hadn’t had enough time to get close or anything. A small part of him cared a little about what they thought, but not as much as he did about Law and Q.

Those were the two he didn’t want to disappoint.

And as much as part of him enjoyed getting one over on Law, he also didn’t want his friend mad at him. He would only be able to enjoy it if Law wasn’t actually upset with him. It was the thought that Law might be truly angry that was making his stomach churn. Asad’s glee was somewhat reassuring in that he didn’t think Law was actually going to be angry, or else he wouldn’t be looking forward to the reaction.

“Oh?” Law asked, raising one eyebrow as he looked up from where he was standing behind the counter. It looked like he and Iris were assembling food to go out on the grill. She was beside him, short and cheerful, smiling up at Connor as he came in. Law wasn’t that much taller than her, but he packed a presence. Asad liked to joke that he was the Filipino Mr. Clean, and with his bald head and stern demeanor, he’d make a good one, though he’d have to shave his goatee.

Looking back and forth between Law and Connor, Asad made a little circle gesture with his hand. Go on. Tell him.

Connor’s courage was failing him, especially with that look on Law’s face.

“I had dinner with Mistress Julie last night.” There. That was the truth, even if it wasn’t everything.

Law frowned and looked over at Asad. He clearly realized something was up because of the way Asad was acting, but he hadn’t caught on yet.

“It wasn’t just dinner, though, was it?” Asad prodded, stepping over to put his hand on Connor’s shoulder. Some of his glee had dissipated, as though he’d realized that something about this was making Connor nervous, so he was stepping in to help. “It was a date.”

“A date?” Law blinked.

Beside him, Iris’ eyes widened, and from over to the side, he heard Samantha’s small gasp and Q’s low murmur. They were picking up what Asad was putting down, but it appeared Law was a little slower on the uptake.

“With Mistress Julie? But…”

It felt like the air in the room stilled, everyone waiting with bated breath to see what Law would say next. His frown deepened.

“Are… are you the secret admirer?” Q asked after the longest moment in the world.

Connor kept his gaze on Law, mostly because he couldn’t bring himself to look away as he answered.


Law’s deep frown didn’t budge, but he didn’t turn to sudden anger either.

“Aw, that’s so cute!” Iris brightened in a similar manner that Morgan had, putting her hands on her chest over her heart. “Oh my God, I would have never guessed! Wait… so you’re submissive? Or a switch, like Q?”

It would be so easy to claim he was a switch, that he liked both sides of the coin, but after last night, he knew that wasn’t true. While he could do both, the only side he really wanted to do was the bottom.

“I think I’m a sub,” he said apologetically, his shoulders rounding inward.

“Welcome to the club!” Iris said, coming around the counter to hug him in very much the same way Morgan had, except Iris really liked hugs and didn’t pull away quickly. Instead, she held him closely while she started chanting, “One of us, one of us!”

Connor burst out laughing.

At least the subs didn’t have a problem with him. At least, not so far. He looked over at Law, who was still frowning fiercely, and his eyes had done that unfocused thing Asad’s had done…

He met Connor’s gaze, and his eyes narrowed even further.

“Have you figured it out yet, Law?” Asad asked, leaning over the counter to snatch up a strip of green pepper and crunching into it. “How the secret admirer always knew when to send the presents? Cuz I figured it out right away.”

“You’re the secret admirer.” Law’s voice was flat, demanding confirmation of what Connor had already admitted.