“You gotta choose… either information blackout, or you might as well just tell her everything. You know she’s going to take this as a challenge now.” Shaking his head again, Aubrey got back to his paperwork. “Also, you need to get ready. Your first appointment is Mrs. Mavity.”
It wasn’t just that he needed to prepare his station; he also needed to get ready to have his butt pinched. Mrs. Mavity was five feet of sassy grandma, and she’d had no hesitation about telling him how much she liked his butt during her first appointment with him. She had asked permission before pinching first, and he’d automatically said ‘yes’ without thinking about it, and it had made her so happy that he hadn’t been able to bring himself to change his answer during any of the sessions since.
Sandra had offered to tell her, but really… she was only there for ten sessions. He could stand having his butt pinched ten times. It really did make her happy, and she only had two more sessions to go.
Sighing—far more concerned about what Sandra was doing with her phone than he was about Mrs. Mavity’s butt-pinching propensities—he headed over to his station. Sandra was at hers, head down, finger gliding over her screen. When she saw him out of the corner of her eye, she looked up, gave him a little finger wave, and went right back to looking at her screen.
“I’m not going to tell you anything more unless you stop looking,” he called to her.
“I don’t need you to,” she called back without looking up.
Well, he’d tried.
Strangely, he felt a little better about telling his friends tonight. Sandra and Aubrey were excited for him. Maybe the others would be, too, even though he’d have to admit that he wasn’t who they thought he was.
Well, Law might not be excited, but Mistress Julie was excited about Law not being excited, so that was good enough for him. He knew she’d be telling Olivia and Camille at brunch today, so that meant he needed to tell his friends when he saw them tonight. He’d much rather they find out from him than from club gossip.
Walking into her upcoming interrogation—brunch, but she knew what it was actually going to be today—Julie was unsurprised to see Olivia already sitting there expectantly. The vibrant redhead was dressed incredibly casually, wearing a three-quarter-length sleeve Star Wars t-shirt and jeans. Her fiancé’s influence, no doubt. Camille was already there as well, in a colorful blouse that only someone with her coloring could pull off, her expression confused but interested. She’d taken out her braids since the last time Julie saw her and had her hair pulled back from her face, the tightly wound curls now a large pouf on the back of her head. Damn, Julie would kill to have that kind of volume.
“I hear you have some news for us, but Olivia won’t say what it’s about,” Camille said with bemusement after Julie had greeted each of them and sat down.
“That’s because it’s Julie’s secret to tell,” Olivia said, putting a slight emphasis on the word ‘secret.’ Cute.
The server appeared to fill Julie’s water glass and take her drink order before silently gliding away, giving her a moment to get her bearings.
She was a little surprised Olivia hadn’t already spilled the tea but was appreciative. She was not surprised that Olivia had been torturing Camille with hints since she knew Julie would be there to tell her the whole deal, eventually.
“Well, I found out who my secret admirer is last night,” Julie admitted, a smile coming unbidden to her lips as just saying the words threw her mind back to the events of the prior evening. The realization that Connor was her secret admirer, joining him in the booth, and the absolutely lovely way he’d submitted to her.
“Oh, really?” Camille’s eyebrows shot up, and she leaned forward with interest. “You can’t just stop there, woman. Who was it? Is it?”
Leaning forward, Julie dropped her voice a little lower, even though there wasn’t any real need to. No one at this restaurant knew her or Connor or anyone else, but for some reason, it felt right to keep it quieter.
So much for quieter. Camille practically shrieked the word, jumping in her seat and slapping her hand down on the table at the same time, which cracked Olivia up so that she started cackling like a hyena. The server had just returned with Julie’s bellini and was giving them all a rather skeptical look. She smiled up at him.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. Are you ready to order?”
Ordering gave Camille a chance to come to terms with the new world order—really, Julie couldn’t blame her for her response. She hoped it wasn’t too indicative of how people would react when they found out, though. Connor was already on edge about that. She didn’t think anyone would really be upset with him, but she understood where the fear was coming from.
They put in their orders. By the time they were done, Camille was past her initial reaction, a contemplative look in her dark eyes.
“So… Connor is a sub. You know…”
“We might have realized it if we’d been looking at his behavior and not him,” Olivia said, finishing her sentence for her.
“Exactly.” Camille shook her head. “I can’t believe we all missed it.”
“Well, we also believe people when they say what they want and what they are. There was no real reason to look deeper when he was so certain that he was a Dom.” Julie had been thinking about that all night, especially since she’d been the instructor for his class. “He doesn’t make a bad one, though I think that’s partly because he’s dedicated to giving people what they need. So, when a submissive needed something from him, he was able to top her in order to fulfill that need.”