Page 42 of Secret Submission

“I’m glad I could be here for you.” Since your dipshit fiancé wouldn’t be.

Maybe Connor was just imagining things or projecting. Maybe they weren’t really thinking those things. But even if they weren’t, he was starting to feel uncomfortably like he’d stepped into a couple’s fight, even though Zach and Amy weren’t a real couple.

He cleared his throat.

“Right, well… you’re okay?” he asked Amy.

“Other than being embarrassed that you felt like you had to step in, yes.” She lifted her gaze to his, giving him a sheepish smile. Connor smiled back at her reassuringly, rubbing his hand over her blanket-covered back. It didn’t hurt that the blanket was very soft, so rubbing her back meant he got to rub the soft blanket, too.

“Any time,” he told her seriously. “We’re both just here to make sure you’re okay.”

Her smile shifted, just the slightest bit, going from sheepish to something else. Something a little sad, despite the curve of her lips.

“I’m fine. I learned my lesson about testing Jeremy. He doesn’t respond well to it. But he loves me. He proposed. We’re getting married. That’s the only test he should need to pass.” As she spoke, her tone picked up strength, and even though she wasn’t looking at Zach, it felt as if that’s where her words were really directed. Once again, Connor felt as though he’d stepped into the middle of someone else’s fight.

Zach didn’t respond, just pressed his lips together like he really wanted to say something, but was holding back. Unsure of what to do—whether leaving the two of them alone would really be a good idea—Connor glanced around as a distraction while he tried to think.

It only took a moment for his gaze to be arrested as Mistress Julie was watching him from near the row of spanking benches. She smiled at him when their gazes met, and he felt his heart jump in his chest. She was dressed for an evening at Stronghold in a black PVC corset, black PVC skirt, and boots that laced up to her thighs. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail that swished to the side when she tilted her head at him and winked.

“Hey, Connor, I’m good,” Amy said gently, patting his chest where his heart had just done its little bounce. “If you want to go see Mistress Julie.” She grinned at him, a much more sincere smile again now. She was happy for him.

“I still have…” He turned his head, looking for the clock. “Five more minutes of being Dungeon Monitor.”

Damn. Mistress Julie had overheard Will asking him to cover. Had she appeared because she knew his shift would be almost over?

I hope so.

Connor had never considered himself a particularly jealous person, but he didn’t like the idea that she’d come here for anyone but him. Of course, she came here for you, dumbass. You’re together. Or dating. But she’s not dating anyone else.

“Then go monitor the Dungeon for five more minutes. I’ll be okay.” Amy grinned cheekily at him. “Zach’s got me.”

Zach huffed. His expression was like granite when Connor looked at him, but he nodded confirmation.

Truthfully, his duty to Amy was done. He’d checked in on the situation, she was okay, and she was perfectly comfortable being left to Zach’s care. Even if they were going to argue about what kind of treatment she should be getting from her fiancé. As much as Connor wanted to tell her she deserved better than how Jeremy was acting, she’d probably take it better coming from someone who was closer to her.

Probably. Though she and Zach seemed like they were butting heads over it.

Sighing because there wasn’t anything he could do about it, Connor lifted her up and passed her over to Zach. The other man cradled her in his arms much the same way Connor had been before turning and sitting down on the other side of the couch.

As he got up, Connor grabbed the bottle of water and the chocolate and brought it over, placing it on the side table next to the couch arm.

“Thank you, Connor,” Zach said, giving him a nod.

“Thank you, Connor,” Amy echoed. Despite the bickering, she was now snuggled up against Zach’s chest, looking perfectly comfortable. More than comfortable, she looked like she had fully relaxed now that she was on his lap, which she hadn’t done while she was on Connor’s.

Probably just because they were closer than her and Connor. After all the scening together. And Connor was probably just reading into things that Zach seemed as if he was holding her in a possessive manner.

“Have a good rest of the night,” he said, making himself turn around and walk away. They didn’t need his help. They hadn’t asked for his help. He’d done what he was supposed to do. Just because something felt unfinished didn’t mean he needed to finish it.

If Mistress Julie hadn’t been waiting for him, it would have been much more difficult, but thankfully, she was. As he walked toward her, a smile lit up her face that nearly made him forget about the not-couple behind him.

“Hello, handsome,” she purred as he stepped up in front of her, tilting her head back. Her hands came up to rest against his chest, one of them immediately sliding up to reach for the back of his neck, pulling his head down to meet her lips. Connor went eagerly, his hands fluttering for a moment by his sides before he moved them to her hips.

She hadn’t told him to, but then, they hadn’t discussed protocol.

And she didn’t seem to mind as she gave him a very thorough kiss in greeting.

That or he was going to be punished for putting his hands on her without permission.