I struggle with what to say without sounding overly mean. I’m not one to kick someone when they’re down.
“Well, you’re not always nice, Lainey. And you like to brag about yourself.”
“That’s just who I am!” she says, dramatically throwing her hands in the air.
“I don’t think so. I think you act this way because someone hurt you. Somebody made you think it wasn’t safe to be a nice person. Somebody taught you that you need to tear others down to build yourself up.”
She stands there for a moment, sniffling. “What are you getting ready for, anyway?”
I grin. “I have a date.”
“A date? With Rhett?”
“Yes. He realized I didn’t betray his trust after he found out you were hiding in the shower.”
“You know, he’s not bad to look at,” she says, smiling.
“Back off, Lainey. I will fight you.”
She waves her hand at me. “Fine. I’m just joking, anyway. He’s not my type. I like to be the best-looking one in my relationships.”
“I can see that.”
She stands behind me and looks at both of us in the mirror. “You can’t go like this, Savannah.”
I look down at my basic white t-shirt and tan capri pants. “Why?”
“It’s a date!”
“I mean, it’s kind of a date. It’s in a house that we can’t leave.”
“You need to look hot!”
“I do?”
“Of course. What else do you have to wear?”
“Um, more T-shirts and pants? Pajamas?”
“Ugh. How did you ever snag this man?”
I want to tell her all I had to do was say hippopotamus, but I don’t think she’d get it.
“And your makeup… or lack thereof.”
“Okay, this is why people don’t like you, Lainey.”
She’s dried her tears at this point and is now solely focused on me. “I’ll help you.”
“I don’t need help…”
“Yes, you do. Now, come on. First, we’ll look at my wardrobe.”
Why am I so nervous? I’ve taken New York socialites on dates. I’ve taken the daughter of the head of a NYC hospital to her college dance. I’ve even taken the daughter of a well-known DC politician on a coffee date. This is Savannah from pastry chef school, and it feels like the most important night of my life.
I walk up the stairs and pause at the top. My heart is thumping in my chest, and I feel my hands shaking.