“This is all your fault!”
“You’re embarrassing yourself, Savannah. Running after a guy like Rhett? Seriously?”
I put my hands on my hips. “And why is that?”
“Because he’d never be interested in you. He’s obviously just biding his time until he gets out of here. No guy with that kind of family money would ever lower himself to date a girl like… you.”
“You dated me, Connor.”
“And I didn’t have rich parents and more money than I could ever spend. Rhett will leave you in the dust, and you’ll be made fun of on social media for weeks after this. It’s sad. You need to cut your losses now. He’s not into you, Savannah. Can’t you see that?”
“Just shut up, Connor. Honestly, your voice is the most annoying sound on the planet.” I walk past him toward the kitchen.
“Hey, Savannah?”
I stop, but I don’t turn around. “What?”
“I know I joke around, but I’m serious. We loved each other once, and I’d hate to see you get hurt.”
I know he’s trying to play me, but it’s not working. I turn around and face him.
“Connor, if you tried for the rest of your miserable life, you’d never be half the man Rhett is. If you think I’m buying all of this, you’re sadly mistaken.”
“What’s going on here?” Rhett suddenly says from behind me.
I turn and, without thinking, say, “Hippopotamus.”
“Hippopotamus, Rhett!”
His face suddenly registers what I’m saying. “I don’t understand…”
“I found out how Connor knew about the cruise ship.”
He glares in Connor’s direction. “How?”
“Lainey was hiding in the shower when we were in the bathroom.”
Rhett’s mouth drops open. “What?”
I turn to face him, completely ignoring that Connor is nearby. I place my hands on his chest, look up at him and wink. “See, sweetie? I would never have done anything to hurt you.”
It takes a moment for Rhett to really get what I’m doing, but once he does, I see a smile spread across his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you, beautiful.” He leans down and brushes his lips against my cheek.
Wow, that felt way better than I thought it would. I decide in this moment that a fake relationship with Rhett for the next week won’t be so bad. I can live in the land of make-believe if I need to for one of us to win. It just needs to be me.
When Connor finally slinks away, I pull Savannah out into the courtyard. Since we’re on camera and she said our code word, I can’t really ask her why she changed her mind in the last week.
“Do you believe me now?” she asks when we sit down.
“I do. I’m so sorry, Sunny. I had no idea that Lainey would be so childish as to hide in the shower. Who does that?”
She laughs. “This is Lainey we’re talking about.”