I didn’t want to leave him, but if I was going to get Tyr’s attention, I needed to do it immediately. And there were a few things I needed to put in order before I left. My father had died without a will making everything far more complicated than it needed to be. It left our pack in shambles. And I wasn’t going to do that.

It wasn’t an admittance of defeat. But I was going to be prepared. And I had to make sure that Flynn was taken care of too. My family had a lot of money and if for some reason I didn’t come back, I wanted to make sure he never had to worry about anything ever again. My brothers wouldn’t begrudge me that small favor.

“You should go back to your room and get some rest too,” he offered, the look on his face telling me he wanted nothing more than for me to stay. “You’re gonna need your strength tonight.”

“That’s not a bad idea.”

I pushed myself out of bed, my body drenched in his scent. I grabbed my clothes, pulling them on slowly as if they were made of lead. The wolf inside me was fighting every step of the way. Now that I’d found my mate, the last thing I wanted to do was leave him behind. The thought of never seeing him again made me feel like I was going to fall apart at the seams.

With a final sigh, I pulled my shirt on. “Will you be okay?” I asked, leaning down to kiss him. “You know you can go anywhere in the resort you want. Everything’s on the house.” I gave him a small smile. “You’re part of the pack now.”

He returned a half-hearted smile. “I… I think I’m just going to keep to myself today,” he replied. “I have a lot to think about. And I need to figure out how to tell my Nana and my mother that I’m not coming home,” he added hopefully. “Winning your pack over might have been the hardest part for now. But wait until you meet my Nana. I’m sure she’s going to grill you up and down until she’s satisfied you’re going to take care of me right.”

“I can’t wait,” I replied honestly, my heart swelling with affection. “I’d love nothing more than to meet your Nana. She sounds like an incredible woman. It’s not every day that a human stands up to a wolf and wins. She’s gotta be a tough old broad.”

“She certainly is,” Flynn smiled, shaking his head. “Now go get some rest, okay? I want you in top shape.”

“Only if you insist.” I leaned down, kissing him long and hard. But no matter how long I lingered, it was never enough. Eventually I had to pull away, knowing I’d never leave if I didn’t break us apart now. “I love you, Red.”

“I love you too, Thor.”

“No matter what happens, you’ll always be my mate.”

“Nothing’s going to happen,” he replied. Although the feeling of dread over our bond betrayed his words. “Because you’re coming home to me tomorrow without a scratch on you.”

I nodded. “Of course.”

With that, I gave him one last kiss, picked myself up, and dragged my feet toward the door. There was one final glance, a smile, and I left the room. The door clicked shut behind me and I felt a rush of sadness from the bond. Flynn was crying. I could just feel it.

I did my best not to cry as well as I headed through the resort and up to my room. Before I got there, I willed the bond back a little bit. I had a lot to get done and feeling Flynn’s emotions would only make it harder. Not only that, but I didn’t want him to feel what I was about to do. Writing a will was no easy task and the emotions might overwhelm me if I had to deal with us both at the same time.

The last thing I did was stop at Baldr’s room. A quick knock brought him to the door.

“Brother,” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I need your help.”

He looked me over and nodded knowingly. “Anything you need, Thor.”

“Thank you.”

Together we headed for my suite. I needed a witness to my will, and I also needed to ask his permission to name him as the new Alpha of the Hati pack should I fall. Loki would be furious of course, but I didn’t want that kind of rage governing the future of my people. Baldr would do a much better job keeping the peace.

And should Tyr retaliate… Baldr’s magic would blow him to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Chapter Twenty-Three: Flynn

I wasn’t sure how long I’d been lying in bed, weeping softly against my pillow. But when my phone buzzed against the bedside table, I forced myself to get up. It was well past four in the afternoon and the number flashing on the screen belonged to Nana.

She was the last person I wanted to talk to at the moment. I knew as soon as she heard my voice, she’d know something was wrong. I wasn’t sure I had the energy to answer all her questions right now. But ignoring a call from Nana was a great way to get in a hell of a lot more trouble. Better to answer it now than deal with the consequences later. After all, I wanted the news about Thor to land on willing ears, not irritated ones.

Grabbing the phone, I clicked the green button and pulled it to my ear.

“Hey Nana.”

“Flynn! Flynn! Don’t do what he says! Whatever you do, don’t listen to him–”

My Nana’s desperate pleas were suddenly cut off by a harsh smack. Fear raced through my veins at the sound of her desperation. But the cry of pain afterwards was what threw me immediately into an absolute rage.

“Nana?!” I cried. “What’s going on?!”