I woke up to the sensation of floating. For a moment I thought I was still dreaming, but it was the earthy musky scent of man that made me realize I wasn't. Cracking one eye open, I saw Thor walking through the suite, his bare chest pressed up against my side. He looked a bit worn out, but there was a soft smile on his face, nonetheless. His head tipped and he glanced down at me, but I snapped my eyes closed quickly. For now, I wanted him to think I was asleep. I figured he was taking me to a different room in the resort to sleep for the night.
But when he didn't turn to leave the suite, I felt my heart quicken. Instead, he walked me down the hall toward his own bedroom. Pushing the door open with his foot, he carried me to the bed and laid me down. The mattress was firm, but still soft and comfortable. I cracked my eye open the tiniest bit as he pulled the covers over me. Then he turned to leave.
For some reason, I couldn't let him do that.
“H-Hey,” I said in a sleepy voice. “Where are you going?”
He didn’t seem as surprised to see me awake as I thought he might. He’d noticed me looking.
“I’m going to sleep on the couch,” he replied softly. “You can have my bed. You’re my guest after all.”
I glanced over my shoulder at the absolutely massive bed surrounding me. I maybe took up twenty percent of it if that.
“You can sleep in here too,” I replied, trying to sound innocent. “I don’t mind sharing a bed.”
“But… I’m a total stranger to you.”
“No you’re not. We talked during breakfast.”
“I won’t take no for an answer,” I replied, pushing myself up. “If you’re not comfortable sharing a bed with me, then I’ll sleep on the couch. I don’t feel right taking over your space on top of everything else.”
He hesitated.
“I won’t bite,” I said. “I swear.”
We had a bit of a staring contest for a moment before he finally let out a big sigh. “Alright. But just for tonight. I’ll get you your own room in the morning if you want.”
I smiled. “So… uh… how big is this bed, anyway?”
“It’s a Texas King.”
“Christ… I didn’t know they made them this big.”
“I’m tall,” he said simply.
“I noticed.” Another long pause. “So… uh… what have you been up to tonight?”
Thor looked suddenly nervous. “I… well… I went on a walk. A very long walk.” He came across the room and plopped down on the opposite side of the bed. “It was a long day and I needed to clear my head.”
I looked over my shoulder, catching one of his blue-eyed gaze. “Nothing bad I hope?”
“No. Just a lot to deal with at once.”
“I’ll bet.” I paused for a moment. “Did you get it all figured out?”
“I think so. The walk helped me clear my head.”
“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “So, you spying on me while I jerked off in the shower didn’t send you into a tizzy?”
I’d never seen a man go so rigid so quickly.
“I… uh… I didn’t… I wasn’t–”
He was tripping over his words faster than I thought possible. At the same time his face blushed bright red and he turned away from me, clearly terrified to make eye contact.