“Getting lucky is easy,” he said. “It’s getting one to actually care for you, that's the hard part. Everyone just wants a piece of ass, then they leave.”
“I care about you,” I heard myself say before I could clamp my mouth shut.
He lifted an eyebrow with a look of disbelief. “That’s nice of you to say, but you don’t know me. You can’t care about someone you don’t know.”
I spun around, that voice sending a cold streak of dread through me. Intense blue eyes, dark hair, and a threatening aura charged my way, his fists balled at his sides. My brother Loki was the last person I wanted to run into while I was out with Flynn.
“Where have you been?” he barked. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“I… uh…” I glanced in Flynn's direction, a plea in my eyes. “I was just helping a guest to the hot springs. If you just wait here, I’ll come talk with you once I've got him all set up.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Loki growled. “I’ve been searching for you all morning.” He glared in my direction. “I’ll help you with our guest and then we have some important things to discuss.”
Christ… the way he talked. Flynn probably thought we were running a damn mafia front.
“I can take myself to the hot spring if you have stuff to do,” Flynn offered. “I know my way back to the room.”
My heart sank as Loki glared at me. “Right. Of course you do. Just let me get you an assistant or something…”
“I'm fine,” Flynn laughed, placing his hand on my shoulder. A small electric shock swept through my body heading straight for my cock. “I'm a big boy. I tie my own flip-flops and everything.”
“A-Alright,” I stammered. “If you're sure.”
“I'm sure.”
“Good,” Loki said, grabbing my arm and tearing me away from Flynn. “We have some things to discuss.”
“I'll check on you later,” I called back before I could stop myself.
Loki burned me another dirty look but kept pulling. He managed to drag me through the building to a private meeting room before turning on me with a growl.
“What the fuck was that all about?”
I tried to play stupid. “What do you mean?”
“You’re the Alpha of the pack!” Loki hissed. “Stop wasting your time with guests and start focusing on getting revenge on that fucker that killed our father. How can you even bother with some human at a time like this?!”
There were a metric fuck ton of implications in his tone, ones that I knew were against pack law. Flynn’s comment made Loki think we were fucking. Of course, I wanted that, more than anything, but even I knew how inappropriate that was. And if anyone found out, my place as Alpha could be challenged. Loki would probably be the one to challenge me too.
“I was just trying to be hospitable,” I replied, trying to act innocent.
“You were being soft-hearted again,” he barked. “Let the broken human figure out his own life. We have more important things to do. We’re wolves, we don’t need to cater to this lower species!”
“We need their business to survive,” I growled back, not appreciating the way he was speaking to me. “We can’t just go live in the woods like the Skoll pack. Do you want to live in a hut and eat squirrels every day, Loki?”
He scoffed, crossing his arms. “Seems better than putting up with all these little assholes trying to give orders all the time. I’m a wolf, not a fucking lap dog.”
“Well, I’m the Alpha of the pack and I say we treat our guests well regardless of our own personal feelings about who’s higher in the food chain.”
I sighed. There was no getting through to him when he was like this. And baring my teeth would just make it worse. I’d learned that one that hard way. Instead, I just took a deep breath and forced myself to remain calm.
“What did you need, Loki?”