“Let go you mangey dog!” Tyr snapped, trying to pry my jaws open.

They wouldn’t budge.

“This is senseless! You’ve lost! Now let go!”

“Hey Tyr!” Flynn cried, suddenly at my front.

Tyr only had a split second to look.

“Fuck you,” Flynn growled.

There was a streak of silver through the air, and I felt the tugging sensation between my fangs cease. Half a heartbeat passed before Tyr began to scream. I spat out the clawed hand that once belonged to him and glanced up at Flynn. He held a silver dagger in his hands now stained with hissing blood.

Then the howls rolled over the farm.

“You little shit!” Tyr cried, reaching for Flynn with his undamaged hand. “I’ll kill you!”

Flynn brandished the dagger at the same time that I lunged forward, snapping at his only remaining hand.

Fear filled his eyes and he jumped back, knowing that he couldn’t stand to lose both of them. The howls grew louder. My brothers were nearly on the farm. Tyr glanced between us then back out the broken window. His hand bled freely, his werewolf healing stopped by the silver blade.

Finally, after what seemed like far too long, he turned and ran to the broken window.

“This isn’t over,” Tyr snarled. “I’ll get you Thor, if it’s the last thing I do!”

He leaped out the window just as I saw the wolves burst out of the forest. The moment I saw Baldr and Loki leading the pack, I swayed on my feet and fell to the floor. Flynn dropped the dagger, wrapping his arms around my blood-soaked fur and sobbing. I felt a pang of sadness as my world went dark.

‘I love you, Flynn’, was my last thought as I slipped away.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Flynn

One Week Later

“I told you,” I said for the hundredth time. “I’m fine. Really. He barely scratched me. You’re the one that got torn to shreds!”

“Yeah, but I have Alpha blood,” Thor replied, clearly annoyed with me. “I heal fast! But you humans heal like shit!”

I reached up, grabbing his face and pulling him down to my level. “Thor,” I said calmly. “I’m fine. Now let me enjoy this hot spring in peace, huh?” I couldn’t help but laugh as I let him go and leaned back against the rocks. “Quit badgering me so much and focus on yourself for a bit. We both need relaxation after this past week.”

Thor huffed, leaning back himself. He still glanced around at the other guests and scooched closer, throwing a possessive arm around my shoulders. He’d been overprotective since the moment he woke up after his fight with Tyr. There hadn’t been a moment apart since. He insisted on it. And every time I made a tiny sigh or sound, he was asking me if I was alright again.

“Fine,” he said at last. “But we can’t stay forever. There’s things we need to do.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, waving him off. “Pack stuff starts tomorrow. Today is our last day just for us. So relax.” I cracked open one eye, giving him a wink. “Besides, I need to be bred again before bed. You’ll need your strength.”

“Are you sure you’re up to that?”

“Of course! Besides, how else are you going to produce an heir?”

“But men can’t–”

“Oh my god, Thor,” I laughed, elbowing him in the side. “It was a joke! Take a chill pill!”

A grunt was all I got in reply. But that was enough for now. I was happy to feel him relax at my side after a moment, slipping further down in the water. The dude needed to do some major de-stressing. Maybe some acupuncture. He was wound up like a nine-day clock all the time now. But I understood and I was patient with him. After all, he was my mate, and he’d nearly given his life to save me. The least I could do was show him compassion.

The past week had been a hectic one. After the near-death experience with Tyr, so many things had changed. Nana was moved up to the resort, her farm left in the care of the maintenance crew for now. She was doing fine and thankfully came away from the entire situation with just a few bruises. I thought, after learning about my heritage and her previous life, that she would shun my relationship with Thor. But to my great surprise, she welcomed the both of us with open arms. I’d never felt so loved and accepted by anyone in my life.

Not only that, but thanks to my quick thinking with the dagger, she figured it was time I received some weapons training at the very least. The gun I’d tried to shoot Tyr with had jammed due to the fact that it was filthy with decades of dust. Apparently there had been a perfectly clean one in the case, but I had no idea what to look for. However, my blow with the dagger had crippled Tyr permanently. Wounds inflicted by silver, as I suspected, cancelled out werewolf healing. Had I cut him with a normal knife, Tyr would’ve been able to reattach his hand by simply forcing the two wounds together and waiting. However, thanks to the silver blade, his hand was severed permanently, and the bloody stump would take weeks or even months to heal fully.