“Hello Flynn,” a new voice said.
It was dark and deep, like a low growl from a dog that had nothing but bloodlust on its mind. I had no idea who it belonged to, but my heart sank at the sound. Someone had taken Nana. I didn’t know if he’d kidnapped her or just broken into her house, but clearly, she was in danger.
“Who the fuck are you and what do you want?” I snarled. “What’s going on?!”
“Now, now,” he replied, clicking his tongue. “That’s no way to talk to the big bad wolf now, is it?”
The moment he said that, I knew exactly who he was.
“Tyr,” I hissed.
“Ah, so you’ve heard of me.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “No doubt from that good-for-nothing Thor you’ve been shacking up with.” He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. “That’s right. I know who you are, Flynn. I smelled you on him that night his brother tried to kill me. And what’s even better… I recognized it.” He paused again, a low chuckle echoing through the phone. “You smell just like your mother.”
I’d believed Nana’s story about the wolf before, but now there was no room for even an inkling of doubt. Tyr admitted to it fully without hesitation.
“I’ve been after your family for a while,” he grinned. “Did you know that your grandfather was a retired werewolf hunter?”
“That’s right. Just imagine his surprise when the silver bullets he used on me forced me to turn into a human. He thought we were all extinct. At least until I tried to kill his daughter.”
“Don’t listen to him!” Nana yelled in the background.
“Shut up you old fool!”
There was another loud smack and the sound of struggle. I yelled into the phone for him to stop, but there was no response. When he finally came back on the line, I could hear the irritation in his voice.
“Now that the old bat is gagged, where was I?”
“Why are you doing this?!”
“Oh,” he said slowly. “That’s right. Your grandfather was a werewolf hunter. And after he found out my identity, he wouldn’t stop scouring the mountains for us. He searched for years, hunting my pack with all his might. It was my wife who dug out the silver bullets and saved my life. And your grandfather took her life two years later.” Tyr paused for a long moment. “Imagine his surprise when I tore his fucking throat out the night he killed her.”
“You got your revenge then!” I cried. “Now leave us alone!”
“Hardly, Flynn. Hardly.” He clicked his tongue again. “You see, I’m a firm believer in bloodlines. The son is always like the father, continuing their long line of traditions. And you’re no different. I might’ve failed to kill your mother and end your line, but I won’t fail with you.”
“I’m not a werewolf hunter!”
“Maybe not now. But you will be. I’m certain of it. Your grandmother certainly is. She already tried to cut my belly open with a silver dagger the moment I stepped foot in the house,” he sneered. “Good thing she’s slow.”
“I… I don’t understand.”
“You may not be a full-fledged hunter now, but considering you moved in with your grandmother and have infiltrated the Hati pack, I have no doubt you’ll be making your first kills soon. You’ve already gotten in bed with the Alpha, which is no small feat. Taking him down would elevate your rank immediately.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Lie all you want. I don’t fucking care,” he growled. “But here’s your ultimatum. You can come down the mountain to your grandmother’s house and take her place. Or you can let the big bad wolf eat her. Your choice.”
“Don’t you dare hurt her!”
“Then come to grandma’s house,” he laughed. “Oh, and don’t tell anyone, especially Thor. If I catch one hint that he’s with you or following, I’ll rip her fucking guts out. You have one hour.”
With that, the line went dead.
The phone fell to the ground, the screen shattering as it hit the stone floor.
“Oh fuck…” I murmured to myself, my hand going to my lips.