“Don't worry,” he replied, glancing at his watch. “We still have six more hours until dawn.”

I glanced over at him, leaning up on one elbow. “Well, I guess we better get started on round two then.”

He looked down at me, laughed, then shook his head in disbelief. “You're insatiable.”


I sat up to kiss him, but he pushed me back.

“Water first. You're gonna get dehydrated.” He leaned close, giving me a quick kiss. “Then I'll fuck you again.”

I couldn't help but smile. “Perfect.”

Chapter Eighteen: Thor

“So, what does this one mean?” Flynn asked, pointing to one of the tattoos on my chest.

We’d been lying in bed for some time, just wrapped in one another’s arms. We got a few rounds into the night before we had to take a break. Still, we’d managed to sneak in a couple more sessions before dawn. But now we were just lying there, his head nestled against my shoulder as he ran his fingers over my chest.

“That one is Fenrir,” I replied with a smile. “He’s the wolf that killed Odin during Ragnarok according to Norse mythology.”

“And what about these two smaller wolves?”

“That’s Skoll and Hati, the wolves that chase the sun and the moon across the sky.” I pointed to the circle between them that had both sunrays and a crescent moon combined.

“They have the same names as the packs…”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m not sure what it is about our family, but we’re obsessed with Norse mythology. Probably because we’re descendants of Nords themselves.”


“Uh-huh. Most people think werewolves were just monsters in Norse mythology. But we tell the story differently.”

“What’s the story?” Flynn asked, sitting up on one elbow.

“My family believes that Fenrir himself blessed our people with the power of strength and healing in a time when war was prevalent, and every Nord man had to be a warrior. My father said that one of our ancestors went to beg for the power to defend his people and Fenrir granted his wish. The man drank from the stream flowing from Fenrir’s mouth and was reborn a greater warrior than any had ever seen. Not only that, but he could take on the shape of Fenrir himself. He passed on those gifts to his children and every generation since has honored his bravery by naming their children after Norse gods.”

“What was your father’s name?”

“You’re not going to believe this… but it was Odin III.”

Flynn grinned at that. “You’re kidding me…”

“Not at all. His father was Odin too. And his grandfather. Apparently, there was a long tradition of naming the first son Odin in the hopes that he would become a great leader. My father, however, broke that tradition when he named me and my brothers. I guess my mother wasn’t very fond of the idea.”

“I don’t blame her.”

I nodded. “I’m glad she talked him out of it. I could never live up to the man my father was… so I’m happy to be my own person.”

Flynn gave me a sort of pitiful look but didn’t say anything. What could he say? It wasn’t like words could bring my father back.

“And you said Baldr’s mother was a witch?” He cocked his head to the side. “I’m assuming he’s just your half-brother?”

“That’s right.”

“And Loki?”

“He’s my full brother.” I let out a long sigh. “I think he looks down on Baldr a bit because his lineage isn’t fully wolf. But Baldr is strong in mind, body, and magic. If I were to fear angering anyone in my family, it would be Baldr.” I paused for a moment, giving Flynn a serious look. “His power is much greater than he realizes, I think. But he has yet to use it thankfully.” I shook my head. “I hope he never has to be in a situation where he has to. That’s my job. To keep them all safe from that kind of danger.”