
For a moment I sat there frozen. Then I just started laughing.

Things were gonna get real awkward between the pair of us. And yet, I couldn’t help smiling. Something about the idea of him watching me finger myself turned me on and my spent cock twitched again.

Maybe having a summer fling with a muscle head wasn’t such a bad idea after all. And if he ever spoke to me again after what he’d just seen, maybe I’d give it a shot.

There were worse ways to spend two weeks in a resort than in the bed of a hot stranger.

Chapter Nine: Thor

I was out of the suite, down the hall, and in the elevator before I knew what happened. My heart was still racing, and my pants were so tight I could barely walk. The moment I was in the elevator I unzipped my jeans to give my cock some breathing room. I needed this raging hard-on to go away before I got down to the lobby.

And I couldn’t believe what I’d caught Flynn doing in my shower. I mean, it wasn’t totally surprising. I’d done the same thing hundreds of times in that shower. But to see him sitting there, his legs spread wide, and a finger slipped into that tight little hole of his while he moaned my name… well, that was something else. A thousand questions were running through my head. Did he want to sleep with me? Did he have feelings for me? No. That was dumb. We hardly knew one another. Could he ever learn to care for me? Would he run the moment he found out my secret? Would his human body be able to put up with the ravaging that an Alpha wolf could provide?

But of course, the biggest question of all was the one I was most scared of.

If anything were to develop between us, how would I explain it to the pack?

Humans and werewolves weren’t allowed to be together. That was the one thing that both the Hati and Skoll pack agreed on. Humans were notoriously bad at keeping secrets. Every single time a werewolf revealed himself throughout history, a wolf hunt began. The Beast of Gevaudan, the Rougarou, and even the Beast of Bray Road had all been quickly followed by an influx of hunters with silver bullets and swords ready to hunt us down and erase us from the face of the planet even though it had been centuries since werewolves stopped hunting humans.

And even though nobody in Fenris had seen a werewolf hunter in over a century, I still believed they were out there. I didn’t need to investigate to know that the world was still a dangerous place for my kind. That was a given. It would always be dangerous for anyone who dared to be different.

But isn’t that what I was considering doing? Being different?

I needed Flynn like I needed air in my lungs, but that wouldn’t stop my brother or my pack from turning on me the moment they found out. Besides, two men could never produce an heir to the Hati line. I’d have to choose a female at some point to carry on my bloodline. That or I’d have to leave it up to my brothers to produce an heir. Although the way things were going with those two, who knew if that would even happen. Loki was too busy being upset about everything to even think about relationships. And Baldr was so lost in the clouds most of the time that he wouldn’t notice his mate if he stepped on them.

Father had left the pack, and its future, to me. Wouldn’t I be letting him down if I chose a male mate and a human one at that? I’d basically be spitting in the face of everything he’d worked so hard to create. The thing he’d sacrificed himself to protect.

I wasn’t sure I could do that to him.

By the time I reached the bottom floor and the elevator doors opened, my pants were zipped once again. Despite my best attempts to talk myself out of being attracted to Flynn, my pants were still fairly tight. I took a rear exit out of the building and strode into the woods without a second thought. There were lots of patrols out so no one would question the Alpha taking a walk over the mountain so close to dark. If anyone did, I’d just tell them I was helping.

My feet took me upward. There was a less used trail switchbacking up the mountain that my instincts naturally gravitated toward. It was one I’d walked many times growing up and I knew exactly where it led. So, I followed it without paying much attention, allowing myself to get lost in my never-ending spiral of thoughts as I drove steadily upward.

I pushed past overgrown ferns, low-hanging boughs, and through several brambles that had attempted to grow over the path. Here and there I saw Mountain Laurel sticking out of a rock, its scent reminding me of Flynn who was back at my suite and probably still naked.

It was amazing how attractive men could be. Before now I’d never really thought about it. But when I was standing outside that door with my face pressed up against the gap, I got a good look at him. He was wiry from head to toe. His muscles tensed and flexed as he stroked himself, showing me he was strong, but without being bulky like I was. I especially liked how lithe he was in the torso, his abs and hips the perfect shape to hold in my hands. He had all the right curves in the right places without being overwrought.

And that cock of his… well that was a surprise. Up until now I’d only ever seen my own. Well, except for my brothers, but that’s when we were kids skinny dipping in the hot springs. But as an adult, I’d never seen another man like that. His body was less hairy than mine and it made his dick look big. Not to mention he was far paler than me, giving his cockhead more of a pinkish red color compared to mine. Oh, and I was happy to see he was ginger all the way down. That was surprisingly hot.

I couldn’t forget about his ass either. The way his finger seemed to slip in so easily and the noises he made… they drove me crazy just to think about! I wanted to be the one between his legs stealing those sounds from his lips. I didn’t even care what he allowed me to do. I’d suck, fuck, or finger him as much as he pleased. It was incredible how all of my Alpha dominance disappeared as soon as I thought about him. All I wanted to do was please him and worship his body from head to toe. Sure, I could order him around a little too if he was into that, but being an Alpha was less about taking and more about giving.

I wanted to give him everything, especially my cock.

But how could I ever make that work?

Obviously, Loki and my pack were a problem. But the other issue was even more complicated. If I fucked Flynn, we’d start to smell like one another. There’d be no way to cover that up. It would go away after a while, but not until he left. But if I bred him in my Alpha state… well, neither of us would ever recover from that.

Mating like that was reserved for just that, mates. Once a bond was formed, we’d not only be connected physically, but mentally. When a bond was made between wolves, they could sense each other’s emotions over long distances. Close proximity yielded a nearly telepathic link. It wasn’t that literal of course, but with a little practice, nobody could really tell the difference.

I had no idea what that kind of bond might do to a human or if it was even possible to begin with. However, I also knew that mates chosen by fate were never incompatible. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t lose everything the moment I chose Flynn over my family and my pack. But there was a good chance that if we did mate, nothing detrimental would happen to us physically or mentally because of it. I just had to worry about what everyone else would do when they found out.

That was a ticking time bomb of course. Baldr already nearly let things slip and Loki saw me with Flynn. It was only a matter of time until Loki found out and went berserk. And I couldn’t blame him either. I’d yet to convince myself this was a good idea, much less anyone else.

But the more I thought about Flynn, the more I realized I wasn’t going to be able to resist him the entire time he was at the resort. At the very least, I wanted to… I don’t know… experiment, I guess. Maybe things with a human could work out. Maybe sex with a guy was amazing. And maybe, just maybe, a miracle would happen that would make everything easy and happy once again, just like it had been before Dad died.

Fat chance.