“Red?” I glanced down at the red hoodie I was wearing. Or was he referencing my hair? It wasn’t the first time someone had called me that trying to be cute. “My name is Flynn. Who the fuck are you?”
“Thor,” he replied. “Thor Hati.”
“Did you get that name out of a fortune cookie or something?”
“It’s a family tradition. My brothers are Loki and Baldr.”
“You… You and your brothers are named after Norse gods?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow. I couldn’t help eyeing the knife, making sure it was in easy grabbing distance should this weirdo try something. “That’s kind of pretentious, don’t you think?”
“My father gave us strong names so that we’d be destined for greatness,” he replied, shrugging his hulking shoulders. “At least that’s what he said. I just think he was a bit of a nerd.”
I couldn’t help a small grin as I forgot the predicament I was in for a moment. “Is he still that nerdy?”
Thor’s face suddenly darkened. “He… He’s dead.”
“Oh.” I felt bad for him but then shook my head. “What am I saying? I don’t care about that. I want to know how the hell I got here?!”
“I understand,” he replied, pushing himself out of the chair.
He straightened up to his full height, which was easily six-foot-six if not a little more. He stretched his arms upward, the hoodie pulling high above his waistband revealing two rows of perfectly sculpted abs covered in dark blond hair. It was all I could do not to gasp. However, my dick, who still had a mind of its own, gave a hard twitch in my shorts.
“I’ll tell you everything you want to know. But you have to stay and rest for a bit first. Your leg is pretty banged up.”
“So, you’re forcing me to stay here?!” I yelled back at him.
“I’m saying that you need bed rest and I own this resort,” he replied calmly. “So, if you want to stay here, we can take good care of you. And the hot springs will help you heal faster.”
I furrowed my brows, clearly suspicious of this display of kindness. Nobody ever did shit like that for free where I was from. Everything came at a price.
“What’s the catch?”
He shook his head. “No catch.”
“Are you afraid I’m going to sue you or something so you’re trying to butter me up with free shit?!”
“No?” He seemed terribly confused by my constant aggression. “I guess you did hurt yourself on resort land, so you could sue us if you want to.”
“And you’d just let me do that?”
“The insurance pays for it, not us.”
Alright. He had me there. But I wasn’t convinced.
“Why are you so willing to help me then?”
Thor paused for a long moment, his gaze dropping to the floor as he scuffed his foot over the carpet. “I… I just felt bad that you got hurt and I wanted to help. That’s all.”
“And I can leave whenever I want?”
“Of course.”
“So, I’m not being kidnapped into some sex trafficking ring?”
“What? No!” He let out a long sigh. “If you want to know the absolute truth, I’ll tell you. But you might not like it.”
“Some sort of explanation would be nice.” I was a little afraid of what he was going to say, but I needed to know if I should start planning my escape route now.
“I saw you were hurt, and we have a… uh… doctor on staff who could look you over and said you were okay.” He paused again. “But I didn’t want to send you away because… well, I think you’re kind of… cute.”