Page 35 of Cruel Dominion

Tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to spill. How dare he bring me back to that pain, just when I was feeling so good? He didn’t have the right. Not when he broke up with me, not when he spent years with no idea what was happening in my life.

“You haven’t earned the truth.”

I expected Carter’s face to fall. I wanted my words to hurt him, too. Instead, he just grinned wickedly.

“I will.”

He buried his face in my pussy and fucking devoured me. His nose rubbed up against my clit, his tongue burying itself in my entrance. Two fingers shoved inside me, and my inner walls squeezed desperately at them.

My entire body felt like melted gold. Dripping and bleeding into the sand beneath me, scorching anybody who dared touch me. Like I was invincible as long as Carter kept his mouth and hands on me.

The cliff of my orgasm loomed in front of me. It was even steeper, thanks to the two times Carter had brought me to the edge already. I was so fucking close, but I knew he would pull away if I didn’t give him what he wanted.

And I needed it.

I couldn’t be deprived again.

I knew I’d regret it later, but all I could think about was finally making that fall.

“It was my ex,” I breathed. “Josh. He gave me the bruises.”

Carter only stopped for a moment, gazing up at me, his eyes full of cold blue fire.

“Good girl.”

He closed his lips around my clit and sucked, reigniting my orgasm. That gentle pressure built me up so quickly, I didn’t even realize I was falling until I screamed out some unintelligible noise. I saw fireworks as I came fast and hard against his mouth.

Liquid streamed from me, but Carter never stopped lapping it up. He groaned at the taste of it, the vibration of it only extending my orgasm. I had no idea how long I spent coming. The whole world went fuzzy, the line between pleasure and painful reality obliterated.

Eventually, Carter released my clit and pulled back to kneel.

All I could do was lie there like a broken doll. I was boneless, and my muscles had completely stopped working. My chest heaved as I tried to find oxygen. It was like my orgasm had broken the way my body worked.

I barely had the strength to stay awake, let alone make it home. I could see his blurry form at the edge of my vision, pawing at the massive erection in his slacks with a knot between his brows and a tense jaw.

Falling onto his back next to me, he hauled me into his chest and the feeling was so vividly familiar—so vividly comforting, that I didn’t fight him.

His fingers played with the tips of my hair. Almost all of my elaborate updo had come undone, sand mixed in with my tangles.

I breathed in the scent of him. The fabric of his shirt was soft against my cheek. Whatever we just shared, it was nothing like the way Carter and I came together six years ago. We were both so young and inexperienced then, completely different from the broken, corrupted versions of us that existed now.

Now, when our bodies touched, our broken places pressed into each other and made us bleed. We hurt each other, and it only made us crave each other more.

And Carter took advantage of that.

I told him about Josh.

Carter manipulated me into handing over my most shameful secret. He knew exactly what buttons to press to make me open up to him. I didn’t know who I hated more just now—Carter for tricking me, or myself for giving him the chance to get close again.

I shoved away from him, forcing myself to my feet.

“Where are you going?” he asked sleepily.

“Home,” I spat.

“That’s not your home and you know it,” he called after me, the single word a well-placed blade twisting in my stomach.

I stormed back to the house, clutching the edges of my ruined dress around me and praying nobody saw.