Page 33 of Cruel Dominion

He dragged his fingers from my neck, down over my breastbone to circle my breasts. My nipples tightened so quickly, it almost hurt. Even the lightest touch was enough to make my body desperate for him. Carter shoved down the cups of my bra, lifting my breasts up. He dragged his teeth over one tight nipple, then bit down so hard that I screamed.

I was going to let him take whatever he wanted from me. Because I knew Carter always gave in equal measure and I needed that right now. I needed a release more than my fingers could provide.

He sucked my other nipple into his mouth, lavishing it with his hot tongue as his other hand traveled low, searing a path down my belly to the top of my panties.


I squirmed beneath him, beside myself with need.

So ready to be his perfect little whore.

Who’s my perfect little whore? Josh’s words rang in my ears, and I fought to shove them away.

If only he could see me now. Every man who leered at me at the Butterfly Room. Every man he accused me of cheating on him with when I was just a few minutes behind schedule getting home.

And here I was, proving him right. Just letting Carter waltz back into my life and take what he wanted, without so much as an apology. Opening my legs for a man who hurt me worse than Josh ever could’ve.

I couldn’t let this happen.

“Carter,” I said weakly as he found my neck with his lips, kissing a hot path back to my mouth.


“S-stop. I can’t.”

His scent filled me. Different than I remembered but somehow still the same. Warm wood, amber, and sea salt. I wanted to bottle it and keep it for the rest of my miserable life as a trophy wife. To remind me what this felt like. What he felt like when he wasn’t taking a sledgehammer to my heart.

“Carter, please.”

He kissed the underside of my jaw, my cheek. I turned away from him before he could reach my lips and felt him stiffen. Pull back.

“Why can’t you?” His voice sounded rough, like he had tapped into some animal side, barely human enough to speak.

My lips parted, but I had no argument for him. Suddenly every reason seemed flimsy. His body over mine just felt so right.

And I knew I was weak. Too weak to say no because I’d imagined this moment a thousand times and…

“If you want me to stop, tell me,” he said in a husky whisper, sounding almost pained.

I had no words.

I didn’t want him to stop.

He lowered his face closer to mine, until our breaths mingled, until our lips just barely brushed. The anticipation made my body tense and shudder. My heart ached and hummed wildly as he hovered there, waiting.

“Last chance,” he spoke against my mouth.

I drew in a stuttered breath, but no refusal passed my lips. He swallowed my exhale with a swift, hard kiss and shoved my panties down my thighs, drawing a broken whine from my chest.

He dragged his fingers along my slit, groaning into my mouth as he felt how wet I was.

“So goddamn soaked for me. Your body knows what you really want, Anna.”

Carter pressed just the tips of two fingers inside me. It was barely enough to stretch me, but my entire body heated at the intrusion.

I moved my hips for him, trying to pull him in deeper.

“That’s right,” Carter said roughly. “Show me how much you want this. Fuck yourself on my hand, Anna. Take what you want. Use me. Use me up until there’s nothing left.”