In a flash, Leo was on his feet again. “You fucking bitch,” he snarled.

I froze once more, my breath catching as my eyes widened.

Leo moved then, getting ready to lunge for me—

The pop of a gunshot sliced through the room.

I flinched, ducking my head and waiting for the pain, but it never came. When I lifted my head again, shock slammed into me as I laid eyes on Leo—more accurately, the bullet hole in the middle of his forehead, a small trickle of blood leaking from it.

My head snapped to the other side of the room to find a tall, broad figure standing in front of my window seat, snowflakes drifting in from the open window behind him, his back bathed in pale moonlight. He slowly lowered his gun as the thump of Leo’s body falling registered in my ears.

“Bounty hunter,” I whimpered, trying to break free.

“Grayson,” he replied, his voice laced with darkness.

“W-what?” I stammered, my body freezing as the fear I’d been feeling retreated back into the depths. I was safe now, he wouldn’t hurt me.

He stepped forward, revealing himself as his dark eyes remained on mine. “My name, Sunshine,” he said gently despite the anger rolling off of him in waves. “My name is Grayson.”


My voice cracked. “You came back.”

His dark eyes flicked to where Leo’s body lay. “Told you I always would.”

A new form of guilt manifested then, deep within my heart. “I—”

His eyes snapped back to mine. “Say my name,” he commanded.


“I’ve been in hell for the last six months, making sure someone I care for very deeply was safe,” he cut me off. “During those six months, I always imagined how my name would sound coming from your lips.”

He’d been in hell?

A tear fell from my eye, sliding down my cheek onto the bed.

He took another step. “You afraid?”

“Not of you,” I whispered back instantly. “Never of you.”

He bent his head and released a breath, visible relief hitting him. He nodded, mainly to himself, mumbling something. Then, he lifted his head once more, his brow furrowed, his eyes soft—for me. “Baby, say my name so I can do what needs to be done, yeah?” he murmured.

The words left my mouth before I could even process them. “I missed you, Grayson.”

My Grayson.

Slowly, his eyes closed and he nodded once more. I was in awe of him, taking in his short beard, his thick brows, crooked nose, that jagged scar. He was unlike anyone I’d ever seen, his beauty was boundless.

When he opened his eyes again, they trailed down the length of me, hardening with every inch. “Gotta take care of you, Carrie.” Those dark eyes collided with mine. “I’m always going to take care of you; do you hear me?” he asked, his voice firm.

I nodded, actually believing it.

Before I could let us fall into another spell of silence, my breath hitched as I breathed, “I’m sorry.”

I was so fucking sorry. Guilt was tearing me apart from the inside. He came back, and I’d tried—and failed—to move on.

He shook his head. “Now isn’t the time for that. I need you to give me consent, Sunshine. Okay?” When I didn’t respond, he clarified, “I’m not fucking touching you until you give me permission, so I need you to do that before I lose my fucking mind.”