Page 13 of Cleric of Desire

“What happens if I keep asking for more?”

“I continue to want more too.”

I’m not sure what that means, but there is an inkling of dread that settles in my gut.

“I want to fulfill your desires, Jeffrey,” Odai says, “but the more I do, the more I want to do so again and again.”

“Oh…kay. That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Is there any other desire I can fulfill for you tonight?”

How tall and handsome and just… perfect he is has my mind whirring with a whole list of possibilities, but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it has been a really long night. “I’m going to need to think about that. This is, um, a lot. I am going to take a shower, bathe, and then go to sleep. Do you need to sleep?” I realize I’m still not sure what to do with him.

“I do not. But I shall watch over you, Jeffrey, should you need me. Or, if you prefer that I give you privacy, I can explore this new world and return when you call.”

Do I want to be responsible for unleashing an incubus on the city? “Maybe stick to only this building and the underground for tonight. Okay?”

“As you wish.”

Wish. I could wish for almost anything.


Tonight, I hope watching over me doesn’t mean watching me in the shower, because I really need to get off again or there is no way I am getting any sleep.

“Okay. Goodnight… Odai.”

“Goodnight, Jeffrey.”


Jeffrey has not asked the right questions yet, not all of them, but maybe this, finally, is the owner who can free me from my torment.

Although, I have thought that before.

As he retreats upstairs, I set to exploring the building that I once knew so well. It has changed much. Aged. Modernized. Things that would have been common trinkets are under glass and displayed as historical artifacts. They are, I suppose. Entombed as part of the past, like everyone I knew from back then. Like I was until Jeffrey touched my amulet and woke me.

I do so look forward to when he asks me to taste him again. I know he will. His desires, some familiar to him, some yet unknown, drip from him like honey, and I will lap up every drop, fulfil every wish, every whim. While I hope and pray to whatever gods might still be watching me, if gods even exist, that Jeffrey is not doomed like all those before him.

Chapter four


When I wake the next morning, there is the faint scent of jasmine and spices in the air as if Odai just walked by me or is sitting on the end of my bed.

He isn’t. He isn’t anywhere, and I swiftly sit up as I remember everything that happened last night.

The weight of the amulet on my chest tells me it was real. I was afraid to take it off before bed, even while showering. I’ll need to ask Odai about it. Can I take it off? Is it even possible to remove it now?

None of this is settling in my skull as reality. How can it be real that I had my skirt hiked up by an incubus and now he’ll do anything I ask of him, anything I wish? There is no guarantee this isn’t still dangerous or doesn’t come with some greater catch. There is so much I don’t know.

Like where Odai is right now.

I quickly change clothes and braid my hair, since it’s damp from going to bed with it wet. I can fix it later before the midnight tours. I hope to find Odai in the hallway, but he’s nowhere to be seen when I use the bathroom to brush my teeth.

It’s just as I’m spitting into the sink that I hear an uproar of laughter from downstairs. Cas and Mr. Bevilaqua usually get here early on weekends since it’s our busy time. It’s Sunday now, the last day with midnight tours until Thursday. We’re closed on Mondays, and Tuesday and Wednesday have day tours only.

Hearing Cas and Mr. B laughing wouldn’t normally be out of the ordinary, but there is definitely a third voice.