Page 36 of Alien Champion

“Of course you did! You were all the way up my leg, nearly at my-” She halted, face more red than I’d ever seen it. “Never mind,” she said suddenly. “We don’t have time for this.”

She grabbed at something else that was lying on the bed – it looked like more of that human pay-pur – then she shoved past me out into the cave beyond where the others waited. I followed close behind her, my knuckles cracking around the shaft of my spear. Her taste but a mere memory already – washed away by my own blood in my mouth – I left the caves with the others and headed outside for the vaklok. I blackly hoped that whatever the first round of the event proved to be, I’d at least get the chance to beat another man senseless.

And even if there was no fighting in that first round...

Maybe I would do it anyway.



“You OK? We thought we heard you fall in there,” Tilly asked as we headed out into the morning light.

“We would have come in to check on you,” Nasrin added, “but it looked like Dalk had it covered. The man stalked in there after you like he was prepared to dig you out of a mountain of rubble or something.”

“I’m fine,” I squeaked, my head still spinning over what had just happened between Dalk and me. At the sound of my voice, Dalk turned back, frowning at me from where he walked just ahead with Oxriel and Zoren. I was tempted to stick my tongue out at him again, but thought better of it. We’ve had way too much tongue stuff happening between us over the past twenty-four hours. No more tongues!

Seriously. Who the hell ignores actual wound treatment supplies, sees a scraped knee, and just goes ahead and fucking licks it?!

And perhaps the even more pointed question...

Who the hell gets so turned on by a man going after her leg like it’s an ice lolly that she hopes he’ll go even higher?

Would he have?

I stared at Dalk’s muscled back, his smooth bronze and black hide gleaming beneath his straps and blades in the hushed rosiness of Deep Sky dawn. He’d braided his hair today, I noticed. He often wore it loose, but not this morning. Maybe he thought it would get in the way for the vaklok. That thought sent his earlier words pinging back to me, words about how my human ears were so stupid that I should braid my hair just to help them out, and irritation snapped inside me like dry tinder between two hands.

Yeah. Right. The man who did nothing but glare and growl at me, who complained non-stop and never seemed to agree with me, was absolutely, positively, not about to go down on me in the cave this morning. The thought I’d even anticipated it, had wanted it in some breathless, not-really-acknowledging-it way, proved what a damn creep I really was. There Dalk was, just doing his alien thing, trying to help my sorry human ass out and deal with my scraped knee, meanwhile I was about two seconds away from yanking off my knickers and guiding him to my throbbing fucking clit.

I’m a pervert, I moaned internally as our group joined up with Gahn Thaleo and Warrek in the aguir circle outside the mountain. I’m a pervert and a sexual harasser.

But... Dalk really had gone higher than my knee during that weird grooming session of his...

And then I’d kicked him in the face.

I was cleaning your wound.

He had said it with such stiffly slicing finality. Maybe he thought I’d scratched myself higher up as well, or something. The Sea Sand guys didn’t typically lie or try to obfuscate the truth. They really did just say whatever was on their mind and damn the consequences because some of the time, at least where Dalk was concerned, it was something halfway (or all the way) offensive.

I could still feel the hot ghost of his tongues on my leg beneath my trousers. And could feel how hard my foot had connected with his face, poor guy. Luckily his alien bones were stronger than human ones and I hadn’t knocked any teeth lose. Although that hadn’t exactly helped his lower lip... I gripped the pile of paper in my hands tighter and hoped his injured mouth wouldn’t put him at any sort of disadvantage in the events of the vaklok. It probably wouldn’t. The only thing he'd likely need his mouth for today was talking, eating, grumbling complaints at me, and...

And licking my leg.

Shut up.

The more I replayed the memory from the cave, the hazier the details became. Had Dalk really worked his way as far up my thigh as I seemed to think he had? Or was that just my horny human mind playing tricks on me? I honestly could not be certain now. And his tongues were so freaking long. His head might have really just stayed down at my knee level and just the general movement of his tongues made it feel like he was moving upwards...

God. I can’t keep thinking about this.

Running over the memory wasn’t making things any clearer. In fact, it was only making things worse. The only thing that would clear anything up now would be talking to him, but that really wasn’t Dalk’s style, and I got the sense he’d done all the talking he meant to on the matter. He was cleaning my wound. End of discussion. I didn’t think it would be worth the agonizing humiliation of trying to open the conversation back up by saying, “But are you sure you weren’t actually going to lick my pussy this morning, Mr. Big Grumpy Alien?”

Yeah. I didn’t even want to imagine how that would go. And maybe I was a coward, because the worst part wouldn’t even be the embarrassment of broaching such a topic with him. No, the worst part, the part I couldn’t even bear to imagine, was the hurt I’d no doubt feel when he inevitably gawked at me, sight stars spinning with disbelief, and told me just how stupid I was for even thinking he’d want to... well... do me. He’d tell me I was certifiably insane, which wouldn’t be all that bad. No, the bad part would be just how sad I’d be after.


Apparently, my dumb human ass had developed a wee bit of a crush on the grumpiest Sea Sand male known to womankind. Unfortunately, this nonsense seemed to go beyond just physical attraction, because just being attracted to somebody didn’t make me feel like my heart was getting all squished up at the thought of Dalk staring balefully at me and saying, “Stupid, horny human, I was not going to lick your genitals.”

Oh God.