“Not planning anything. I’m just thinking. I’m allowed to think, aren’t I?”
“Leilani,” Rory warned.
“I’m not doing anything!”
She gave her a look.
“I’m not!”
“Not yet.”
Leilani crossed her arms. “What if I get you lunch?”
“What does that have to do with your plotting?”
“Not plotting. No plots here. Do you want lunch or not?”
“I do,” Sierra said. “I’ll give you money; I just don’t want to walk all the way to the cafe.”
“It’s just across the street,” Rory rolled her eyes.
“You got it. So? Am I getting you lunch?”
“Fine,” she sighed. “Do you want me to text you my order?”
“Yes, please. I’ll be back soon.”
Leilani headed outside. It didn’t take her long to make the short walk and place their orders.
She found herself waiting for their orders when a woman walked in with a large, dark gray pitbull. He was one of those dogs who looked like he was always happy, lips turned up so he always looked like he was smiling. She couldn’t help but notice he only had one dark brown eye..
Leilani forced herself to wait until the woman had placed her order and moved to wait near her, but then she couldn’t help herself.
She walked over, forcing herself to look at the person and not her pet. “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you, but can I pet your dog?”
She lit up. “Of course!”
“What’s his name?” Leilani asked.
“Sebastian, but I usually just call him my Bassy Boy.”
“Hi Sebastian!” she grinned, running her fingers across his short fur. He leaned into the touch, licking at her shoes. “Aren’t you just a cutie pie!” After a few minutes, she reluctantly pushed to her feet, turning her attention to the woman with the dog. She was a short woman with a fluffy blond bob and large green eyes. She was in a dark purple velvet tracksuit that looked very expensive and matched Sebastian’s collar. “Thank you for letting me say hello. He’s very sweet!”
“Thanks for coming over. He’s a big boy, and because of his breed, people don’t tend to approach him all that often. They can be very wary of him.”
“That’s a real shame. He’s beautiful and it seems like he loved the attention.”
“Oh he does,” she laughed.
“Have you had him long? Did you get him as a puppy or adopt him as an adult?”
“I got him from a rescue about two and a half years ago. I adopted him when I first moved out on my own. He was already about three when I got him.”
She stood up. “He’s a real sweetheart. Reminds me a little of my rescue cat, Jaspurr. He only has one eye too.”
“Your cat sounds adorable!”
“He is. Do you want to see some pictures?”