Page 64 of Flame Kissed

“Thanks,” she grinned, leaning in to give her a quick peck on the lips. “I do my best.”

“And your best is perfect to me.”



Adaze wrapped up her Zoom call with her therapist. She had been speaking to her once a week and ever since she made that promise to Leilani, their relationship had gone from strength to strength. It no longer bothered her when Leilani spent time with her friends. She had worked through the fear-based emotions she had and she didn’t have those fears anymore. She was grateful to be able to let go of them. She was determined to be a better and more present partner to Leilani.

Leilani and Jaspurr had moved in with her in her penthouse last week. She had been gradually starting to make Adaze’s penthouse feel like a home. Leilani had that skill. Everything she did made things warmer. Everywhere Leilani and Jaspurr were felt like home to Adaze.

The same day Leilani moved in, they went to the same shelter Leilani had gotten Jaspurr from when she first moved to the area for Adaze to adopt a cat of her own.

She hesitated just outside the shop. “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

“Why not?” Leilani frowned. “I thought you wanted a cat.”

“I do, but I’ve never had a pet of my own before. It just feels like a big decision.”

“It is, but you don’t need to be so nervous. You’re going to take great care of it, and I’m here to help you.”

“I know,” she took a breath. “Let’s do this.”

“Are you sure? We can take a minute if you need to.”

She shook her head. “The longer we wait, the more I’m going to get in my head about it. Let’s just do it before I can overthink it too much.”


Leilani took her girlfriend’s hand and led her inside. They were immediately greeted by the woman behind the desk.

“Leilani, good to see you again. How’s Jaspurr doing?”

“He’s doing good. My new girlfriend, Adaze, was looking to get a sibling for him. We were hoping you might have a few eligible to adopt here.”

She smiled motioning the pair to follow her to the back. “Of course. I’ll take you through to the cat room. We’ve got four or five in there right now. I can either stay there while you all get acquainted or I can wait at the desk. Whichever you two are more comfortable with.”

The pair shared a look. “I think we’re going to start by just having Adaze go back by herself. She’s the one who we’re here for after all.”

Adaze bit her lip. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in with me? What if I pick one Jaspurr isn’t going to get along with?”

“You don’t need to worry about that. He’s an agreeable little guy. I haven’t met a cat he can’t get along with yet.”

“Don’t jinx me,” she groaned.

“You’ll be fine on you own, but if you want me with you, I can go with you.”

“It’s okay. I think I’m just getting in my head.”

“Okay.” Leilani gave her a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll be out here if you need anything, love.”

Adaze turned away from her and pushed into the cat room. It was a wide-open place set up like a living room. Unsure what else to do, she took a seat on the sofa and waited.

It felt like she’d been there for hours (it had in fact been ten minutes) before a cat finally emerged. It was a small—so small, at first glance Adaze thought it was a kitten—calico cat with large green eyes that made her appear annoyed, but she wasn’t. It was just her face.

“Well, hello there,” Adaze smiled at the small thing. She held out her hand, but the cat barely acknowledged it, opting instead to walk over to her and lay on her feet.

Adaze couldn’t stop smiling looking at the small creature curled up on her feet.