Page 41 of Flame Kissed

Adaze laughed. “Don’t worry. You’ll get to see soon.”

“Not soon enough.”

The rest of the ride, Leilani could hardly sit still. Every restaurant they passed she expected them to stop, but they never did.

Finally, they pulled to a stop on the street in front of a massive skyscraper.

“Here we are.”

Lilian frowned. “Shouldn’t we go park?”

“The valet will take care of it. Come on.”

She climbed out, following behind her girlfriend as the woman handed the keys to a waiting man. Leilani had never used a valet service before, but then, this was clearly how people like Adaze lived. They went inside the building and into the restaurant.

Leilani had never seen such luxury in one place. Everywhere she looked was opulence. The second they stepped inside, a hostess was at their side.

“How good to see you and your date, Ms. Banks. If you would please follow me, I’ll show you to your table.”

Leilani followed her with wide eyes to a secluded table near a window overlooking the city. They both took their seats. It had to be the best table in the restaurant—of course it was.

“Your drinks and appetizers will be right out.”

Leilani frowned, turning to Adaze once the couple were alone, “But we didn’t order anything yet.”

“I may have ordered ahead. Is that alright?”

“I mean, what if I don’t like what you chose?”

“Then it’s a good thing I got us options.”

Leilani blinked in surprise before she laughed. “Fine, I’ll allow it tonight, but don’t do it again.”

Leilani wasn’t sure how she felt about this. Sure, she loved letting Adaze make all the decisions in the bedroom. And the outfit she had chosen for Leilani was just stunning—it suited her so well… but choosing her food?

“As long as you end up liking it, no promises.”

A few minutes later, three plates of various appetizers arrived. Leilani eyed them warily. Most of them barely looked like food at all.

“What is any of this?” she asked.

Adaze shrugged. “I could tell you, or you could have fun guessing.”

“But what if I don’t like something or have an allergy?”

“I can’t promise you’ll like everything, but I asked about your allergies a few days ago so I could make sure everything I ordered would be safe. I also made a list of everything I remembered you ordered before so I could pick things I thought would suit your tastes, so I can tell you, or,” she scooped up a bit of something that looked vaguely like a meatball on a fork and held it out to her. “We can play a game. Your choice.”

Leilani grinned. She leaned in, holding her gaze and took the bite into her mouth. She let out a sound of pleasant surprise.

“That’s what I thought. Now, eat up. If you want to try and guess what anything is, I will happily indulge you. You’ll also get a little page with everything we got as well as photos when we leave.”

“That’s—I didn’t know there were places that did things like that.”

“There aren’t. I called in a favor.”

Leilani softened. “You didn’t need to do that.”

“I know, but I wanted to. Besides, if I can’t use my money to spoil my girlfriend, what can I use it for?”