“Do you want me to meet her?”
Adaze had not yet considered introducing Leilani to anyone. She just enjoyed the little bubble the two of them had and wanted to preserve it a while longer. Everyone she knew knew her ex-wife. And she just wanted to protect Leilani from that whole shit show.
“Do you want to?”
Adaze could picture the way she would shrug. “I don’t know. I was just asking.”
“Well, think about it, because if it’s anyone’s choice, it should be you.”
“Shouldn’t it be yours?”
Adaze hesitated. “I’d rather leave it up to you.”
“If you’re sure. Let me think about it and I’ll give you an answer on our date.”
“Sounds good. I can’t wait.”
“Me too. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. I know it's only been a few days but its still too long.”
“I feel the same way. Do you want to spend the night at my place or yours after the date?”
Leilani hummed. “You’re the one planning the date. You pick.”
“We almost always go to my place. Let’s go to yours. I wouldn’t want Jaspurr to feel left out.”
“You’re so sweet to think about him!”
“Yeah, well, he’s a cute little guy. How could I not?”
“You should have seen this dog I saw today when I went to the coffee shop. He only had one eye just like my little boy.”
“Wow, what’re the odds of that?”
“I know right!? Turns out his owner is in town for work for a few weeks and has been having a hard time finding good places to take him for walks. I’m going to recommend a few.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“Well, I can’t let her little guy go without walkies just because they’re on a little trip.”
The pair talked late into the night while Adaze tried to push down the jealousy she could feel growing inside her.
Thursday morning, Leilani was surprised when a package arrived from Adaze. She brought it inside and opened it with a smile.
When she saw what was inside, she couldn’t help but laugh. Picking up her phone, she called her girlfriend.
“I got your gift,” Leilani smiled.
“Is that okay?”
She looked over the clothes. “I supposed you did good enough that I’m willing to humor you.”
“Thank you for that. I feel so honored.”
“You should. This is certainly a first. I wouldn’t allow just anyone to dress me.”