“Oh, that was just a tantrum. As soon as he sees you, he’ll be over it and will welcome you back with open arms.”
“And then you’ll go back to business as usual, right? For the family, of course,” I shoot back, keeping my tone as flat as possible in order to get my message across.
Papa narrows his eyes at me for a long, uncomfortable second. I think every fiber in his body is screaming at this point, his ego demanding that my attitude be checked. He wants to make me pay for going against his guidelines, but he can’t because I’m his daughter.
In the olden days, he would’ve simply smacked me around a couple of times to put me in my place, but that doesn’t work anymore.
He can, however, still control my destiny if I go back with him to New York.
He can hold me hostage until I’m forcibly married to Piotr. I could live the rest of my life as a prisoner in my own home, a shrinking canary in a gilded cage, while he gets what he wants.
“Audrey, this is the life you were born into,” my father says, almost echoing my own thoughts. “Just like I was born into it before you. No one gave me a choice, but I made the most of what I had. You should’ve done the same. You don’t belong here in Chicago. It may be different from everything you know, but this is not your home, and that Winchester man is not your family.”
“Keep his name out of your mouth,” I nearly spit.
What will happen when he learns about my pregnancy? How will he spin that, I wonder? What will Piotr say? I’ll be spoiled goods in their eyes. I could tell him now, but that could lead to potentially horrific consequences. He might take it out on Jason or worse. I think I should keep my mouth shut and figure out a way to get out of this.
I can disappear again. I have some money in my savings account to hold me over, at least until I sell the apartment.
“I suppose you’re aware of last night’s attack,” I say, looking at my father and brother. “Anton, I tried calling you several times.”
“He was busy explaining certain things to me,” Papa replies. “But yes, we are aware.”
“What happened to Andrei and Yuri?” I ask.
Anton lowers his gaze. “They didn’t make it.”
“He lost two good men because he thought he could handle the Abramovic goons on his own,” Papa scoffs. “Which is why I’m here. To clean up his mess and yours. Everyone would’ve been better off if you’d just stayed put like you were told.”
“I don’t want the life you have planned for me, Papa. And sooner or later, you will need to understand that.”
“I don’t care what you want, Audrey. I care about what is good for the family.”
I raise an eyebrow at Anton, deliberately ignoring our father. “And what does Vitaly think about all of this?”
“As my successor, Vitaly is on board with every decision I make,” Papa says.
But Anton lowers his gaze again, and I can tell there’s more to this particular story. I’m guessing that Vitaly is not, in fact, on board with every decision that our father makes. But as long as the old man is running the show, he can’t say anything about it.
I could play along and wait for Vitaly to take over, but that could take years. And once the marriage contract is signed, it will be damn near impossible for me to get away from Piotr. Oh, God, I can’t even fathom a wedding night with that lizard. Hell, no, I need to get out of here.
“Anton will stick around for a little while, but there are armed guards outside your door,” Papa adds, but I cut him off.
“Yeah, good, ’cause armed guards worked like a charm the last time,” I say, rolling my eyes.
“Nobody will come for you again,” Papa insists. “The word is out. They know I’m here. They won’t dare to be that stupid. I’ll be taking this whole conversation back to them, anyway. Starting now,” he adds, briefly checking his watch. He gives Anton a slight nod. “You know what you have to do.”
“Yes, Papa.”
“And you,” he says to me. “For once in your life, set your stubbornness aside and listen to your father. It’s for your own good.”
He walks out then, and the heaviest silence falls between my brother and me. Anton’s demeanor undergoes such a dramatic change whenever our father is in the picture, and I’m left dealing with two completely different versions of my brother.
“At least you didn’t tell him that I’m pregnant,” I mutter.
“I’m sorry, Audrey,” Anton lets a heavy sigh leave his chest. “We both knew this might happen. I only hoped I’d have another day or two to try things my way before he caught up with us.”
“They tried to kill me last night.”