She watched me jack myself off, and then she got herself off. Quite possibly the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Her eyes were so unfocused at the end she didn’t even realize mine were open as we both came. My breathy ‘querida’ was for her benefit, so she knew I came with her on my mind and her name on my lips. And then she ran.
Obviously, I can’t chase her. And she seems to need the space.
I leisurely get dressed before heading down to the ballrooms where our meet-and-greet is this evening. I grab a drink and find a chair in the corner so I can observe and wait for Monica to come in. After thirty minutes, when she still hasn’t shown up, I decide to go look for her. As I approach the lobby, I see her sitting outside on a bench.
Heading outside, I can tell she’s on the phone.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she says as I walk up behind her. I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but her voice sounds frightened, and she seems a shadow of her normal self. I can hear a male voice shouting through the phone, but I can’t tell what he is saying. I assume it’s the boyfriend. “Marcus, you can’t come up here. I’m working.”
What the fuck? He wants to come here? I’ll be damned if I share a room with herandher boyfriend.
“There’s nothing going on with him and me. You’re being dramatic.” My heart constricts as I realize she’s talking about me. “It doesn’t matter about him. What matters is I’m tellingyouthat I don’t want to see you anymore.”
Holy shit.
Is she ending it with him?
Completely unexpected, but now I’m hopeful. Finally, we can figure out what this is between us. Contrary to what Monica told the guy, thereissomething between us, and something is going on here.
“No. Do not go to my apartment again. I’m having the locks changed. I don’t want to see you again, Marcus. We’re done. Don’t call me again,” she says as she ends the call and throws her phone into her bag with an aggravated sigh.
“Querida,” I say quietly, which makes Monica jump up and whirl around.
“Were you listening to me?” she shouts as waves of anger come off her body.
I put my hands up in surrender. “I didn’t mean to. I just heard the last few things you said. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine, Gabriel. Mind your own damn business,” she mutters as she grabs her bag and flounces past me. I can’t help but grab her forearm.
“I’m not the enemy here, Monica. Regardless of what you might think.”
Pain covers her eyes as she stares at me. She pulls her arm out of my grasp and takes a step out of my reach.
“I’m beginning to think all men are the enemy, Gabriel.”
Monica turns and walks back into the hotel as I stand stock still. It’s obvious she’s had some bad relationships in her past. I can’t predict whether we have a future, but I know I’ll be working against more than one lousy guy to convince her I’m the exception, not the rule.
The evening flies by. Each time I find Monica and attempt to make my way to her, I’m stopped by an acquaintance or someone I barely know. By the time I finish that pointless conversation, Monica has snuck away again. It’s almost midnight when I finally manage to escape back to the hotel room. I’m not surprised to find Monica already in bed, with a wall of pillows separating the two halves of the bed. I told her I’d sleep on the floor, but obviously, she wouldn’t let that happen. I quietly undress and brush my teeth before sliding into bed. Typically I sleep naked, but I keep my boxer briefs on. While Monica will undoubtedly never admit to watching me in the shower today, I figure if she wakes up and finds me naked, she’ll be extremely uncomfortable.
I don’t say a word as I listen to Monica’s steady breathing. I can’t tell if she’s asleep or not. I wish I could throw the pillows and drag her into my arms. I want her against me, my nose buried in her hair, as we both relax and fall asleep together. Monica sighs and turns over, so she’s facing me. She’s so fucking beautiful.
I fall asleep thinking of her, like every other night since we met.
I don’t expect to wake up with her on top of me.
Literally on top of me. Fully from head to toe. Her head is wedged between my chin and chest, and her toes are against my shins. My arms are wrapped tightly around her waist, and my dick, my rock-hard dick, is jammed into her stomach.
Then she shimmies. She fucking shimmies, and I can’t help but groan. I take the opportunity to smell her hair, breathing her in. I know she will wake up any second and jump out of bed. Her hair smells like jasmine, and right as I take another deep inhale, I hear her gasp.
“What are you doing, Gabriel?” she whispers.
“Smelling you,” I admit.
“Why are you holding me? You told me you’d be a gentleman!” she hisses.
“I was a gentleman,querida. I stayed on my side of the bed,” I point out. Monica’s head pops up as she takes in the room. Yeah, she did this. I’m exactly where I was when I came to bed last night.
“Oh my God,” she whispers. Her head drops to my chest, and my hands reflexively clutch her closer to me.