Aidan slides his hand between us, his thumb circling my clit mimicking the same lazy pace I’ve set.
The sun has set and the room is dark, lit only by the candlelight flickering in the mirror over the sink. The only sound, our panting breaths and the gentle splash of the water.
Shadows dance across Aidan’s heavy lids as I shift, leaning forward, and lining myself up with the head of his cock. His thumb stills as I slide down oh-so-slowly.
It’s completely and utterly silent in the bathroom until Aidan’s groan fills the air between us. I hold still relishing the way he feels, the fullness. Our connection.
Rolling his head back to the edge of the tub, Aidan squeezes his eyes shut and blows a breath out through his pursed lips. He’s trembling.
I brace my hands on his shoulders, rocking slowly and whisper his name. He pulls me to him, our lips brushing softly. Everything about this is unhurried and perfect.
We rock against each other, movements small but the sensations layer and build until the most intense orgasm hits me, Aidan right there with me.
Ireach to turn off my alarm, just for a minute and then snuggle back into Aidan’s warm body. We have been running nonstop since we moved in and hardly see each other.
My clinical hours at the hospital are not overnight this time, but start early, so our mornings are rarely full of leisurely wakeups. More like jumping out of bed, scrambling into scrubs, and running out the door. Hospital. Shower. Bistro. Sleep.
At least, that’s what the first week was like. I hated only seeing Aidan when we tumbled into bed at night and ghosting a kiss across his lips as I ran out each morning, not wanting to wake him.
I set my alarm for earlier this week, so I can do this. Take five minutes to soak in his strength and calm before my crazy day starts. I place a kiss over his heart and start to ease out of bed, when Aidan’s arm snakes out and pulls me back in.
“Not yet.” His voice gravelly still. He closed McBride’s last night, only sliding in next to me a couple hours ago. He kisses my forehead and rubs circles on my back.
“I have to go. Go back to sleep, I’ll see you tonight.” He holds tight and rolls us over, settling himself between my thighs.
He squints at the time on my phone. “You have two, make that one more minute ’til your alarm.” Pressing his hips into me, he peppers kisses along my neck. “More than that, really since your coffee will be made for you while you get ready. Think we have time for a proper good morning?”
I groan, knowing we don’t have time for a proper anything, not even a quick something.
“Tonight, are you working?” He feels so good, his body pressed into mine, hands tickling up my sides. I want to stay in bed all morning wrapped up in him. But…mwamp—mwamp—mwamp— Aidan’s alarm goes off and when he leans over to turn it off, I crawl out of bed and hear a mumbled curse as I grab my clothes and head for the shower.
After a lightning fast shower, I twist my still-wet hair into a bun, and slide into a seat at the counter. Aidan fixes my coffee and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “We need to talk about your sister’s wedding. It’s in a few weeks, yeah? Have you given any thought to what you want to do?”
I have, and it strikes me that I haven’t shared those with him. I bite my lip, feeling bad for not talking this out with Aidan before now.
“I need to go. It’s the right thing to do, no matter how much I’d rather spend the day anywhere other than there.”
“What’s the time, again? I’ll make sure I’m covered at the pub.” Aidan pops a bite of my sandwich in his mouth and makes a face. “How do you eat that shite?”
“You don’t have to do that. I’ll just make my appearance and leave.” I hike my bag higher on my shoulder and grab my PB & J from him taking a big bite.
Aidan plants his hands on his hips, eyebrows pinched together.
“You think I would let you go through that alone? No, tell me again when it is and I’ll make sure I’m free. Not letting you deal with that without me.”
My heart flutters at his concern for me. “It’s two weeks from Saturday.” Popping up on my toes, I give him a kiss and murmur, “I love you,” before I head out into the world.
I have been blissfully avoiding my mother’s calls for the past couple of weeks. Our relationship is nothing short of toxic and I just don’t want to play anymore.
Of course, just as Gracyn and I settle ourselves at McBride’s, my phone rings. It’s my mother, again. Aidan places our pints in front of us and stares at my mom’s name on the screen.
“Just answer it. You’re gonna have to talk to her at some point. The sooner you do, the sooner we can go look for a good dress. One we like.” Gracyn nods her head at Aidan like they are teaming up on me. “Right?”
His lips pinch together and his eyes sparkle as he agrees with Gracyn.