Page 44 of Troubles

I pour myself another shot and down it before pouring one for each of us. Aidan pulls me around to face him, my knees tucked up between his. Hands on the side of my thighs. “I don’t know whether I want to pity him or kill him.”


I know what I want to do—exactly what I want to do. I want to kill the bastard and her sister too. Hearing the stories about her family was bad, but this? Seeing how they treat her. Tossing out insults like she doesn’t matter.

This girl fucking matters.

It comes out on a huff, a sad little laugh, mostly through her nose. “What happened?”

I try to get some control over the anger simmering in my belly. It’s making my skin itch. “Lisbeth?—”

“Seriously, why were they here? Why can’t they just leave me alone?” Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are dark. Really dark.

“Francie told them never to come here. I’m allowed—I can make the choice to screen my calls. Avoid people who treat me like shit. I don’t owe her anything. Not a fucking thing.” She pulls her phone out and taps at it until her sister’s voice starts in.

Lis, you need to call me. Rob and I have exciting news…

The high-pitched nasally whine is too much. I reach over and hit the bin icon and delete the message. “We know what she had to say. There’s no reason to have to listen to that again.”

“And a dress? She picked out a dress for me? Does she think, for a minute, I’m going to be a part of that three-ring shit show? I’m not sure I’m even going to it—why should I? God—if I go it’s only to get in on the betting action on how long it’ll take before one of them cheats on the other. Holy shit.”

The words are just pouring from her. Spilling like there’s no containing them. I want to lock the doors so no one stumbles in on this. I want to let her punch and hit and throw things until she gets it all out. I want to pull her to me and make it go away. Because what I see, what I watch helplessly, is Lis start to crumble.

Tears shine in her eyes as she curls into herself. Her shoulders fold in, her arms tight across her chest. Hair swings forward like a curtain, a protective shield around her face. She’s hiding, this is her retreat. “I—excuse me a minute. I just need?—”

I hold tight to her hips as she tries to wiggle away. “No. No more running. You have your separation from that arsehole and sister. They’re gone. You want to cry? Hide your beautiful face, you do that here—with me.” Sliding out of my seat, I pull her into my chest and wrap her up in my arms.

I hold her. Just hold her as she falls apart. Her body melting from a tense ball of stress to mold perfectly fitting against mine. When she finally weaves her arms around me, gripping the back of my shirt, I feel fucking accomplished. The talking we’ve done, all the touching and loving over the past few months, and this is the moment. She let me in.

And I’m not letting her go.



“Thank you.” The sound is small and a little sad. She’s tucked up under my chin and I feel her words against my chest more than I hear them.

“Of course. I told you last night I’ll do anything for you.” I pull back and wipe at her tears with my thumb. “Anything at all, Lisbeth. I hate that you’re sad, that you’re hurting. But I will drop everything to hold you. To help you through whatever it is.”

With a finger under her chin I tilt her face up to mine. I need to know that she understands this.

“You own my heart.” I kiss her lips, swollen from crying, red from chafing against my shirt.

“If I promise that I’m not running or hiding, can I go to the restroom?” Little by little she unwraps herself from me. Running her hands from my back and up my chest, pushing away. “I just want to splash cold water on my face. God, I got tears all over you.” She sniffles as she runs her hand over the tear stains on my shirt. “I’m sorry?—”

“You have nothing to apologize for.” I watch her go and pull out my phone and ring Finn. I scrub at a thoroughly clean spot on the bar, waiting for him to answer.

“What d’you want, Aidan? I thought you were taking my shift.”

“I was—I did—but I need you to come in. Take it back.”

“Mmm. I don’t think so. Pretty happy wit’ where I am right now.” I hear the sheets rustle and what sounds like a sharp slap and a yelp.

“Christ, Finn. Just fucking get here. I need to go. I’ll take whatever shift you want next week, but just fucking get here.”

I toss my phone to the bar as Lis comes out of the loo. Her face shiny and free of makeup. She looks absolutely perfect.

“Oh my God, Aidan. I don’t have a choice, do I? I have to go to my sister’s wedding. And that dress—I really am going to have to squeeze my fat ass into it.”