Page 29 of Troubles

He pulls me down to him—chest to chest—moving me, taking the control he had the whole time. The change is all that I need—the change gives me the pressure, the friction I need.

To. Come. Undone.



And there it is.

The look on her face, the sounds that she makes, the moment she falls apart, it’s all I’ll ever need again. And I follow her. Every muscle in my body tightens, contracts, and then relaxes as we both shudder, panting to catch our breath.

After tossing the condom into the bin, I slide back in bed and wrap myself around her. Her hand in mine, both of them pressed firmly to my heart. This feels like more.

More than a shag, more than a fling.

Just more.

The moment she gave herself over to me, needed me and asked for, pleaded for my help, something changed. Lisbeth has been burned and burned badly, but in that moment of putting her needs and desires first, something shifted.

She trusted me.

And I want to cherish and honor this.

Feeling her heart beat and listening to her soft, even breaths, I lose myself to a sleep I’ve not slept since arriving in Beekman Hills.

Several hours later, I only just register the sounds of the boys coming home from the pub. I can hear everything in this fucking loft and usually they’re louder than a pack of wild dogs when they come in after work.

Lis’ things strewn about, and my fucking shirt on the floor down there must not be lost on Finn and Jimmy. The volume drops and other than a few whispers and a quiet chuckle, I hear little else.

The thought crosses my mind, with her body pressed up against me, to wake her and have her. Have her again. But as much as I can hear them downstairs, they can hear every move I make up here. This thing we have between us is not something I’m willing to share. I won’t do that to her, she’s mine.


I wake with Lisbeth’s head in the crook of my shoulder and a hand on her hip. My other hand, though. It’s resting on my chest—with hers pressed firmly between it and my heart. Like she owns it. Like it’s hers. I lie there relishing this for as long as I can. My body screaming for another go. To explore every curve, hear every sigh, every moan. And like a bucket of cold water, those thoughts are washed away. Those sounds are just for me. Mine. I’ll not take advantage and share that with anyone, especially the two arseholes sleeping below us.

Sliding from the warmth of her body, I grab my jeans and head downstairs for coffee. As it brews, I look through the fridge taking note that there’s still bacon and eggs. I’ll make Lis breakfast when she wakes and then dive right in—to studying, helping her.

I grab my phone and steaming cuppa, stepping out onto our minuscule deck. Three texts and a missed call. Mostly work—photography inquiries, but there’s one from Lorna.

Lorna: Hey. Sorry for not getting back to you before now. Can we talk? Soon? xx

Aidan: Yeah. I’m committed to something for a couple days…I’ll call.

Aidan: Sunday?

Lorna: Yeah. Good.

She’s yet to tell me about the baby. We’re going to need more than a quick chat for this.

Liam’s seen her a couple times since we talked, but I can’t figure why she’s been avoiding me. It’s got to be tearing her up. They had been trying for a family before my brother’s diagnosis. Jesus. I still can’t believe how quickly he went. Fucking cancer.

“You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.” Her soft voice washes over me as Lis ghosts her fingers lightly down my spine, a trail of goose bumps showing in its wake. She presses a small kiss to the Celtic cross on my shoulder. I reach behind me, grabbing her hand from where it rests low on my back and pull her into my arms.

“Hmmm… Just thinking of some things going on in Dublin.” This moment doesn’t need to be ruined by my brother’s death. I’ll tell her later, when she’s not worried about her studies. Leaning in and taking the kiss I want—need—the topic is laid to rest.

“Coffee’s ready. We can get back to your studies after breakfast,” I murmur, bringing her hand to my lips to press a soft kiss to her knuckles.

Inside the kitchen, I push her up against the counter, trapping her. Molding my body to hers, as close as I can, feeling every curve. I take a final kiss and tear myself away from her to hide adjusting my cock. The last thing I want is for her to think that’s all I’m after.