I’m awestruck watching her lips wrap around the fork, hearing that moan low in the back of her throat. She’s fucking made that noise for me—beautiful. I adjust my cock and look up to find both girls’ eyes on mine.
Gracyn raises her brow and points her finger in my face. “Don’t you hurt my friend. Don’t you dare…or you won’t need to do that ever again.” She waves a hand toward my crotch and walks away.
“So, your class…would it help to have someone quiz you on your facts?”
She tilts her head from side to side like she’s thinking about it.
“Maybe?” And the lip again.
Between her teeth.
I reach up and pull it free with my thumb. “I would love to help you study. I’m fairly sure I’m capable of quizzing you. When is your next exam?”
With that, her whole demeanor changes.
“I have another quiz Friday. And I only have until the middle of next week to drop this class and get my money back. Aidan…” Elbows on the bar, she puts her face in her hands. The stress is rolling off of her. “What am I going to do? I’ve worked so hard. I need to graduate in December. I just need to be done. I’m exhausted. I’m gonna cry if I have to extend this whole thing another semester.” Hands rub down her face as she looks up at me, worry pinching at the corners of her eyes.
“Lisbeth, let me help you, please? I want to help. What’s your week look like?”
“I just talked to Jenna and took the rest of the week off. Gracyn’s going to cover for me here, so other than my class, I’ll be studying.”
Ican’t let this one stupid class set me back a whole semester. I’ve worked so hard and for far too long.
Last night, Jenna told me not to worry about my shifts for the rest of the week. She grabbed cash from the register and tried to give me a “summer bonus” to offset my lost income, but I tucked it back in the drawer with a quickly scribbled Thank You before I left for the night.
Aidan kept me company for most of the evening, talking between customers, sharing his dinner with me and trying to ease my worries over this class. I’ve got to make this work—got to pass this and then the next one in the series next month.
I used to love summer classes—being able to concentrate on one class at a time, immerse myself in the material and just get it done. In theory, it’s great, but I may have to just suck it up and push off graduation.
I set my coffee on the corner of my desk making sure to pack away my notes and the review packet for Friday’s test.
Aidan told Francie he needed the next couple of days off to help me study. Francie even pulled both Jimmy and Finn into work making sure the guys’ apartment is quiet and I can concentrate.
The sun beats down on my shoulders replacing the chill from the classroom as I walk out to my car. I grabbed everything I need to spend the next several hours shoving as much information into my brain as I can. Aidan is really sweet offering to help me, but I fully expect him to get bored after a while. This way, I can go straight to the library or coffee shop and keep studying when he’s had enough.
I pull up to his loft with my coffee refilled and the hot wind whipping through the car windows. After parking, I wrap my hair up in a messy bun high on the back of my head, and swap my sunglasses for real ones.
As I lean in the passenger side to grab my bag and coffee cup, my skin tingles and I feel his gaze on me. I should have taken the time to tie my hair back before the wind on the drive over made it such a mess. Should have put more effort into how I look. I’m here to study. That’s all.
Straightening up, I reach to pull my bag higher on my shoulder but feel the weight lifted from me—literally and figuratively.
“Let me take that.” Aidan grabs my leather tote bag and closes the car door. I’m backed up against the hot metal and pinned in place by him. “You ready to learn my body?”
“Wh-what?” The tingles I felt moments ago turn into a full riot of chills along my arms and neck.
“I figure you’ll have to map the terms you’re learnin’, yeah?” What is he doing to me? “It’s anatomy we’re studying?” I can barely manage a nod. “I’ll let you use me anyway you need in order to get your grades. I’m at your mercy.”
Holy hell.
Aidan steps back with that smirk on his face, the one that says he knows he’s got my heart racing. He pulls me toward the steps and guides me inside.
My brain finally kicks into gear and I stop short. “You know I’m here to study, right? For a test?”
His low chuckle goes right through to my core. “Of course, love. Whatever you need.” He drops my bag on the small table in the kitchen and grabs some sandwiches out of the fridge. “I thought you might like some lunch before we start, but we can get straight to it if you prefer.”