Page 61 of Troubles

I cringe thinking of the way she smirked at me like she had the world’s juiciest secret.

This day could fuck right off.

I’m relieved that she’s okay. She looks fantastic, actually. She’s sitting at the small table at the back of the pub, feet on the chair across from her, smiling down at her phone.

“Hey, how are ye?” Lorna’s head pops up at the sound of my voice and a huge smile breaks across her face.

“Aidan—God, it’s good to see you.” She struggles a little as she stands, rolling her eyes at my offered hand. “I’ve got it, come here and give us a hug. I’ve missed you.”

I wrap her up in my arms, relief washing through me.

“What are you doing here? Should you be traveling like this?” I pull back and look at her round belly.

“Yeah, I’m fine for a few more weeks.” She smiles softly as she rubs her hand across her bump. “I missed you, Aidan, a lot. I needed to see you before—before this has me all tied up. How are you doing?” She sits back down, reaching for the other chair to prop her feet up again.

“I’m good, really good. Can I—let me get us a couple drinks, are you hungry?” She shakes her head and I pop into the kitchen to grab myself a sandwich and crisps.

The hors d’oeuvres from the cocktail hour are long gone and I’m starving. I throw a couple extra pickles on my plate, not because it’s a pregnant cliché, but I’ve known Lorna forever and pickles are her thing.

I set the plate down and grab a water for her and a pint for myself.

“Did ye put extra pickles on here for me? You’re a prince, man. God love ye.” She’s tearing into my plate without abandon.

“Jesus, d’ya want your own?” Lorna smiles at me and around the bite of turkey sandwich—my turkey sandwich. I push the plate in front of her and head back to the kitchen to make another for myself.

Francie pokes his head out of the tiny office off the kitchen. Pinning me with a glare, eyebrow cocked, he silently questions me. “Francie, she’s just here for a visit before the baby comes. That’s all.”

“Not the way it sounded earlier when she showed up.” He folds his arms, resting them on his paunch trying to make himself look the part of the stern father.


I cringe, knowing I deserve his judgment for this. “She’s at the wedding reception, her sister’s. I’m sure she’ll be here soon.”

“I don’t like it, Aidan.”

I feel like an arse for leaving her there, but what other choice did I have?

My thoughts run in a muddled mess as I turn back to rejoin Lorna.

Holding my plate out of her reach, I drop a few more pickles to hers.

“You’re lovely, ye know that? Mmm, so good.” She mumbles, brushing the crumbs off her hands. “Sorry, didn’t realize I was so hungry until I saw yours. So, you’re good? Better? Ready to come home?” Lorna bobs her head from side to side while taking me in. “You’re dressed awfully posh, were ye out, then?”

“I am good, much better, and I was out. At a wedding, actually.”

“You’re working again then? That’s fantastic. You’re far too good at what you do to waste time tending bar and mucking about.”

“I am, but—” My words forgotten when Lorna grabs my hand and places it on her belly, pressing it flat.

“Was that? That’s the baby moving?”

“It is. He’s really strong.” She says gently.

He. It’s a boy.

“I’d like to name him Michael Aidan. After the two men who mean the most to me.”

“Lorna, that’s—I-I’d be honored.”