Page 54 of Horribly Harry

Jack laughed. “Yeah, that’s fair.”

Harry swayed against him. “That cow at Sutton Forest was pretty close to the road.”

“Mmm. Nothing between it and the highway except that sturdy fence.”

“Who knows how high cows can jump?” Harry asked, then they both said at the same time, “The moon!”

Jack kissed him again, and Harry beamed. Jack squeezed his hip. “Want to get some takeaway, and then we can have an afternoon nap?”

Harry nodded and let go of Jack so he could stretch, and Jack pulled up Menulog, trying to remember which of Goulburn’s Chinese restaurants were decent and which ones should be avoided at all costs. He was relieved to find the good place was still open, and they put in their order.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go out and see the town?” he asked.

Harry raised one eyebrow, spread his arms, and said, “Listen.”

Jack waited for the rest of the sentence.

Harry huffed out a laugh. “No, I mean literally. Listen. What do you hear?”

Jack cocked his head, but he couldn’t hear anything. “Nothing?”

Harry beamed. “Exactly. No traffic, no banging pipes, no Tris and his catch of the day making the headboard rattle. Just us.” He leaned his forehead against Jack’s and settled his hands back on Jack’s hips. “It doesn’t happen often, and I’d like to enjoy it.”

Well, when he put it like that… Jack kissed him again, a brief brush of their lips, then tossed him the remote control. Harry slumped down onto the couch and put the TV on, flicking through the channels until he found some romcom.

“Your love of romcoms is disturbing,” Jack said. He lifted Harry’s suit bag from where he’d left it on the bed and hung it inside the closet. Harry was so proud of his nice suit—it was so unlike the peacock-feather patterned one he’d peeled himself out of in the car—and Jack didn’t want it to wrinkle.

“How else am I supposed to learn how to act on dates?” Harry asked. “Romcoms always have a disaster date. This is research for work, excuse you.”

It was a lie and they both knew it—Harry always watched until the kiss at the end.

“It’s going to be so weird tomorrow at the reception,” Harry said. His eyes widened. “Are we going to have to dance?” His voice pitched higher. “Holy shit. Jack? Will there be dancing?”

“I thought you liked dancing.”

“I don’t know how!” Harry exclaimed.

“We danced in the street that time, remember?”

“When you say it like that it sounds like an amazing music video or an incredibly choreographed flash mob, but really we just drunkenly hugged and kind of swayed!” Harry’s eyes were wide. “That’s not dancing!”

Jack laughed and held his hand out. “Stand up.”

Harry stood.

Jack took the remote and turned the TV off. He found a slow song on his phone, smiling at the way Harry’s face turned pink and he grinned at the floor when he realised what Jack was up to. Jack set his phone down and stepped closer to Harry. He put his hands on his hips. “Okay, put your arms around my neck.”

Harry did and bumped his forehead against Jack’s shoulder before straightening up again.

“Now follow my steps with yours.”

Harry’s head went down again, and Jack turned his head to see the crinkle of concentration furrowed on his brow.

“You don’t have to overthink it. Just go with it.”

Harry stepped on his toes. “Shit! Sorry!”

Jack pulled Harry closer. “Relax. It’s just us, having a romcom moment. It’s practically required for you to step on my toes, okay?”