Page 53 of Horribly Harry

“Oh, wow. You really pulled out the big guns, huh?”

Harry beamed, and he dusted off the lapel of his awful suit. “Yep. And I didn’t even get food on me this time!”

They climbed into the ute, and Jack manoeuvred them out of the car park. All going well, they’d make their destination by four, which gave them a decent chunk of afternoon for… Jack didn’t have plans, exactly, because that would be presumptuous on his part, but he certainly had ideas on how they might spend their time, and it wasn’t visiting the Goulburn Art Gallery.

Harry let out a contented sigh next to him. “It’ll be nice, having some time away,” he said. “And I think Tris was happy to have the place to himself. He’s planning a party.”

“A party or an orgy?”

Harry shrugged. “It’s Tris. Is there a difference?” He squirmed out of his hideous peacock coat, revealing a T-shirt underneath. Then he shifted, lifting his arse off the seat, and Jack heard the unmistakable rasp of a zip.

“Um,” Jack said, glancing over to where Harry was wriggling out of his pants, and flashing an eyeful of his naked thighs.

“Eyes on the road,” Harry said with a grin.

Right. Driving. That was a thing Jack was doing. And yet, as he steered them through the city streets, heading for the highway that would take them to Goulburn, he couldn’t help stealing glances at Harry and the fresh inches of skin he was revealing with each wriggle.

And Harry, he noticed, couldn’t help glancing back at him and smiling.

And when at last Harry had got his suit pants off and a pair of cargo shorts on, Jack reached out and rested a hand on his thigh, and Harry hummed happily and curled their fingers together.

The drive to Goulbourn was a little over two hours down the Hume Highway. The city fell away into suburbs, then towns, then long flashes of gum trees interspersed with service stations, billboards and rundown rest areas. They made good time, and before long Jack found himself counting down the familiar landmarks that told him they were getting close. Goulbourn wasn’t home anymore—it was too small a town for Jack now he’d had a taste of living in Sydney—but he’d grown up there, and there would always be that tug of familiarity that felt at least a little like a homecoming.

Jack got to enjoy Harry’s wide smile when he pulled into the parking lot of the Quest, instead of the dodgy motel he was expecting. “We’re staying here?” he asked, his face lighting up.

Jack grinned back. “I thought we deserved somewhere nice. You deserve somewhere nice.”

Harry leaned across the bench seat and kissed him softly, and Jack shoved down the impulse to tell him that this was Goulburn and not Sydney, and that public displays of affection might not fly here. He was done being that arsehole, and if country New South Wales didn’t like it, too bad. Harry deserved to be kissed in public.

Harry deserved everything.

Jack knew he was wearing a stupid smile when he pulled back from the kiss. He was probably still wearing it when they got their bags out of the ute and checked in for two nights. And he was definitely still wearing it when they went up to their room, because the mirrored wardrobe doors reflected it right back at him. But that was okay, because Harry was right beside him, wearing a matching dopey grin. It made him look even cuter than normal.

Harry put his bags down and slipped into the bathroom, and Jack texted his parents to let them know he’d arrived safely. He knew they didn’t expect to see him this afternoon, and that he’d probably just add to the pre-wedding chaos if he showed up with Harry in tow. Better to leave it until tomorrow, when Harry could meet them when everyone was on their best behaviour—for Harry’s sake as much as his family’s. His mum in a tizz was an experience all on its own, one he wasn’t sure Harry was ready for.

When Harry came out of the bathroom Jack took him in his arms and kissed him properly before asking, “So, what do you want to do?”

Harry hummed and rested his chin on Jack’s shoulder. “Don’t you need to go and see your parents?”

Jack shook his head. “Absolutely not. It’ll be a madhouse over there. I’ve told them I'll see them at the service, and they’re fine with that.”

Harry pulled back. His nose wrinkled.

“It’ll be fine,” Jack assured him. “Mia is going to tell them everything, and soon the whole Bad Boyfriend thing will just be a funny story. My dad’s actually quite laid back when you’re not tipping water over him. Mum takes a little longer to warm up, but once she’s on your side, she’s there for life. They’re gonna love you.” He shut his mouth before he added on just like I do because it felt too early for that. It was true, he was increasingly certain of it, but he didn’t want to spook him. He knew that Harry had feelings for him in return—they wouldn’t have been together if he hadn’t—but he didn’t want to pressure him to put a label on it. They had plenty of time for that.

Harry bit his lip. “Are you sure?” He sounded like he desperately wanted to believe Jack but couldn’t quite manage it.

Jack cupped Harry’s face in his hands and looked him in the eye. “Harry. You’re clever and kind and thoughtful, and once they talk to you for more than two minutes, they’ll be thrilled that someone as great as you is willing to put up with my sorry arse. Hell, they’ll probably like you better than me. You’re going to be a preschool teacher, and that alone will make Mum melt.”

The uncertainty on Harry’s face was replaced with that soft, shy smile that Jack couldn’t get enough of. “When you put it like that, maybe I am a catch.”

“You really are,” Jack agreed, and stole another kiss, one with more heat to it.

Harry’s lips parted willingly against his, and his hands slid down Jack’s back, pulling him in closer so their bodies slotted together—only for Harry to pull back again as a giant yawn escaped him at the same time as his stomach growled. His cheeks pinked. “Sorry. Driving always makes me tired.”

“I did all the driving.”

“But I was alert and watched for hazards like crossing animals!”