Page 87 of Dark Obsessions

So I made myself busy by taking these fucking meetings. I should have passed this bullshit off to someone beneath me. I thought it would have helped clear my head, but she was always on my mind. Being away from her made me think of Bunny even more.

All I could think about was when she talked back to me the last time I’d picked her up from school.

I’d wanted to bend her over the hood of my car, flip up the little, plaid skirt of her uniform, pull those cotton panties aside, and fuck her in front of everybody.

She’d be so tight, so snug, around my thick cock. I’d feel like she’d be strangling me. I nearly groaned at that image.

Markov was silent, watching me. He was used to people doing what he said with no questions. But my ass, my business, was on the line as well.

He knew I was the right man for this or he wouldn’t have come to me. So I leaned back, grabbed my whiskey, and brought it to my mouth as I continued to stare at him. The room became tense as the men sitting on either side of him shifted uneasily.

Maybe they expected him to pull out that gun he had in the inner pocket of his suit jacket. Let him. I had one as well.

And then he tossed his head back and chuckled at the same time he slapped his knee, like what I’d just said was the funniest thing.

The men on either side of him relaxed slightly, but they still watched their Pakhan uneasily, waiting for a bomb to drop.

“You’re right, Hades. You know best about these matters.” He leaned back and held his hands out, palms up. “I like things to be aesthetically pleasing. What can I say…” He glanced at his two soldiers, grinning. “I like things my way.” He laughed again.

No shit, motherfucker.

He started speaking to his soldiers in Russian as he leaned over the table again and looked at the blueprints I’d spread out.

Although I understood what he said perfectly, I didn’t pay him any attention as he spoke to his men. The feeling of my phone vibrating in my pocket had me reaching in and grabbing it.

I saw Bruno’s number flash across the screen, and instantly, I straightened. I had him on watch duty for my girl.

I didn’t trust her safety one hundred percent with anyone but myself, but because I couldn’t be there at all times, Bruno was the next best thing to protect her.


“Boss. I just wanted to check in. She’s left the house and went to a house party.”

The beautiful brat. “Who’s house party?” Although, I knew the answer even before I asked. Even if she’d done well to stay away from Trevor Wilcox, they were bound to run into each other.

I had enough people working for me in that school to let me know that she’d been focused on assignments and making new friends with some of the other girls there.

Her phone records also showed she hadn’t been texting or calling him.

She probably thought I was being an overbearing asshole, and yeah, that stab of jealousy was bright and hot inside of me. But this was about more than that. Persephone didn’t know the people who made up this world… the people who were closest to her.

If she knew the type of man Trevor’s father was and the shit that I knew Trevor had done himself, she’d stay far away from him.

Scaring the hell out of her wasn’t my intention. But maybe I should have just told her that Trevor Wilcox had a record an arm’s length long for sexual misconduct and harassment and even a rape accusation that had gotten pushed under the rug thanks to Daddy Dearest.

Money and connections bought you a brand-new life and a clean slate.

“The little asshole’s house. One of her girlfriends picked her up. I’m sitting in front of the house now. It’s pretty packed, and I can’t see her since she’s gone inside. Do you want me to go in and bring her out?”

I rubbed my eyes and exhaled. It would be easy to have Bruno go in and haul that pretty ass of hers out, take her back to the house, and lock her in her room.

Nah. I wanted to be the one to do that. If she was going to get punished, I was, again, going to be the one to do it.

My cock jerked the very thought.

My little Bunny had this push and pull with me. It was a power struggle. Didn’t she know I was at the top?

Didn’t she understand, when it came to who was the dominant one, she’d never top me?