Reaching over, I allow my palm to rest on her thigh. Her skin is warm and supple. I wait for her to move it. Expecting that hand to move at any moment and remove mine. It doesn’t, though.
“What are you thinking?”
A sigh escapes her. “I’m glad the doctor said she could go home today. I feel like I should be there for her.”
“She isn’t going home. Gunnar is taking her to his place for a few days to decompress. He wants to keep an eye on her.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea.”
“I agree. Means I have to keep you for the next couple of days.”
“Oh, what a hardship.” My comment brings a smile to her lips and has her eyes rolling, wanting to spout some type of sarcastic response.
“Fuck no. In fact, I think we’re both going to really like the outcome of that.”
She squeezes those sexy thighs together to gain some much needed friction. I love that a few words dropped from my lips have her thinking naughty things. My hand clutches her leg a little tighter, showing her I can tell exactly what she’s thinking.
A few seconds later, I slide my hand up her thigh to the apex until it moves to the crease between her leg and the spot she’s desperate for me to have.
She wore gym shorts to the hospital, so the access isn’t the best or my favorite, but I need to touch her, need to feel connected.
I let my fingers trace her lips, and she squirms in her seat, a small moan escaping those sinful lips of hers. She’s soaked. I could smell her as soon as her legs slightly parted for my intrusion. Sweet fucking apple pie. My mouth salivates at the mere thought.
One of my fingers glides over her seam and trails up to her clit. I pinch it between my thumb and first finger, rolling it. Her moan is louder this time, and it goes straight to my cock. “Tate. You…” Her breathing is getting heavier with each swirl of the tip of my finger. “You need to pay attention to the road.”
“Don't worry your pretty little face, my firebrand. I am divine at multitasking. If you think I can’t finger fuck you and drive, you have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“Well… let’s test it out, shall we?” The face on his omega. My omega. Fuck, she’s brat and sexy all in one package.
“I guess we could.” I thrust into her with one finger, while still stimulating her little bundle of nerves with the palm of my hand. Her moans sound the perfect melody echoing in my car. She’s wet, so there’s a sucking noise each time I pull out. Like her pussy doesn’t ever want to let me go. Good, I don’t ever want to stop touching her here.
“Ohh, fuck, Tate. I’m coming,” she yells, throwing her head back against the headrest as her body quakes around me. Rebel squeezes my fingers, and I wish it was my cock. The thing in my pants is currently sounding the three alarm fire.
Her breathing evens out slowly, and I’m still rubbing her. I don’t want to stop, nor do I plan to. If I could live inside her permanently, I fucking would.
A low growl sounds from beside me, and I glance over at Rebel. A slight flush runs up her cheeks. “What was that?”
“It’s just… I’m a little hungry. Should’ve had dinner by now.”
“Let’s just stop and grab some dinner. We’re almost home, but there’s a small mom and pop pizza shop right down the road that’ll be more than happy to get an order.”
“Pizza sounds amazing.”
“All right then.” Being with Rebel is comfortable now. Even the silence is comforting. We still have some things to work out. I know there are still some secrets that lay waiting just beneath the skin, and with time, I hope that she feels safe enough to tell me about them. But, for now, I won’t push too much.
I pull into the parking spot ride beside the door and shut off the car. “You want to come in with me? Or you can stay in the car… choice is yours.”
“Sure, I’ll go in and wait with you. It’ll probably be, like, ten or fifteen minutes, right? Like I don’t want to sit in the car waiting for that long by myself.”
“Okay, wait there,” I tell her, getting out and making my way around the car to open the door. I reach down for her hand, and she laughs at me.
“So, you can be a gentleman?”
“I can be a gentleman when life calls for it, but I’ll always prefer to be your devil, Rebel.” The megawatt smile she flashes my way has my pulse jumping. How the hell does this omega put me so much off kilter? But also… I like that the only one receiving said megawatt smiles is me.
Taking my offered hand, she allows me to pull her from the car, but I don’t let her hand slip away as I walk up to the door and open it. A bell clangs as the door opens, alerting them to new customers.
“Welcome to Wayward Souls Pizza. We’ll be right with you.” The sound of Mama Rosario’s voice comes from the back shortly before we see her.