How can I not? She’s beautiful, these scars that I hate to see are significant because it means she’s a survivor. I wouldn’t exactly say slicing up this creamy smooth skin is the way to go, but it's better than the alternative. It could always be worse, I remind myself.
Looking up her body, I watch as a tear slips down her cheek as I continue to reverently kiss each battle wound left behind. I want to reach up and wipe it away, but my arm won’t reach that far right now.
“You don’t have to keep quiet here, Rebel. I want to hear you say my name. I want you to know who’s bringing you to ecstasy time and time again.”
With those last words, my self-control shatters like a loose wire. Her eyes go wide as her hips grind against me, pleading and begging for more than I’m giving. Oh, my little omega. You have so much to learn.
She squirms above me, and I reach out, holding her hips to keep her in place and her rhythm balanced.
Using my fingers and tongue, it doesn’t take her long to fall to hell with the orgasm I just delivered. Swirling my tongue, I lap up all the arousal pooling between her thighs at my touch.
“There we go. See, now I’ve had the best afternoon snack an alpha could ask for.” She smiles down at me, running her fingers through my hair, leaving strands sticking out in weird places, I’m sure. “Let’s rest for a while, and then we’ll head to the hospital to see Nova, maybe give Gunnar a reprieve since he’s been there since it all happened.”
She nods at me. “Sure, okay.”
“Sleeping only, though, don’t get all handsy like a needy little omega while I’m sleeping or I’m liable to wake your ass up and spank you.”
She pouts for a few minutes, but then nods her head in acceptance of my terms.
Her legs wobble as she tries to slow her breathing and regain her strength. Seeing her struggle, I dip one arm behind her knees and another one behind her back. “I got you.”
Rebel’s damn smile could make the world stop turning. The sincerity of it. The simple thank you she says without using the words.
thirty one - rebel
. . .
Tate and I are having a little something to eat before we head to the hospital to see Nova when his phone buzzes across the counter. Picking it up, he looks at it and frowns.
“What, what is it?” I ask, wondering what’s wrong now? How could things have gotten this bad in less than twenty-four hours. He shakes his head, but I can tell something is still wrong.
With a sigh, he carefully slides his phone across the counter, eyes on me the entire time. My throat bobs as I swallow. What am I going to see on his phone? More bad news? Someone else I know hurt? A slight tremble takes over when I pick it up and take a look at the picture on the screen. Everything in my freezes. A lump of bile gets lodged in my throat. My stomach drops.
I hear the murmured fuck as my eyes find Tate. He knows. I mean… how could he not? The sheer hate in his gaze would bring even the toughest men to their knees. I’ve seen that gaze filled with grit and determination on the ice. But I know it’s not aimed at me. It’s aimed at the man who tried to snuff me from existence.
“It’s him, isn’t it?” There’s no hesitation in his question. I open my mouth to tell him, but words won’t form. It feels like there's cotton balls in my mouth, closing up my throat. Thank God his phone has a case.
I drop it from my hand like it’s a live wire, not considering it’s not my phone. No, no, no, no. Thinking it was someone random almost made it better. Knowing it was him… knowing he’s been following me for how long now… did Brad have something to do with this, too? Like, he knew my father.
My world crumbles as my mind spins off its axis. I’m spiraling into the abyss of what if’s. Strong hands on my shoulders help me to focus on Tate. “Look at me. Nothing is going to happen to you. We’re going to find this bastard, and we’re going to take care of him.”
I wish I could say I’m surprised that he’s involved with some underground alpha removers, but I’m not. It seems like something he’d be involved in.
Tate Geekies is such a mystery to most of the world. To them, he's a star ice hockey goalie. One most men want to be and most women want to jump. He’s aloof, not letting many people into his inner circle. But the look in his eyes when I told him about my past earlier and the way he’s cared for me, whether I truly wanted it or not, is starting to open my eyes to the real him.
He cares more than he lets on, and the domineering, sexy, primal-hunting, sweet-talking alpha has a heart. A smile tips the corners of my lips, and he narrows his eyes at me. “What’s that look for?”
“What look?”
“The one you’re currently sporting. If you aren’t careful I might start to believe that you like me or something.”
My teeth dig into my lips, feeling guilty. “Never said I didn’t, Tate. I just… didn’t want to be with another alpha. You came on strong. Hell, you bit me when I didn’t even know you. All I could see was him happening all over again, and it shook me. But these last few weeks with you…”
He goes to speak, but I interrupt him. “Just let me get this out, okay? Feelings are hard for me, especially sharing them. Even from a young age, I’ve never truly felt safe. When you’re looking over your shoulder constantly, waiting for the shit to hit the fan, it's hard to stop and just enjoy life. First, it was life with my parents. People who didn’t love each other and felt like they had to stay with each other out of obligation. People who thought it was okay to bring around their mistresses and affairs to parade in front of their children. Then I moved into the foster home, and I hated it, but then Drake was there, comforting me and showing me what a true friend really was.”
My hands shake. I hate the vulnerability of telling him all of this information. “But then he left, and I was stuck with a monster. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame Drake for one second. He didn’t know, and if he had, he would’ve given up everything just to keep me safe. When I was wrapped in his arms, I felt protected. It was the first time in my life I remember feeling love. It was an utterly unfamiliar feeling to me.”
Reaching up, he pushes my hair away from my face. “Rebel…” His thumb skates across my cheek. “I wish I had been there back then, shielded you from all of the despicable things you shouldn’t have had to deal with. You know what I think?”