He kisses me on the forehead, his lips dwelling on my skin for a minute or two longer than necessary.
He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around him for the way too short trip to the front seat. He opens the door with one hand, holding me to him with the other before discarding me into the seat I was in just a few minutes ago when I thought my life was about to end.
I’m shaking from the adrenaline that was pumping through me, and I’m coming down from the high, crashing into a peaceful land where the monsters don’t come out to play at night. It’s the last thing I remember.
I wake up to the gentle shaking of my arm. A firm hand grips it tightly but not so tight that it’ll leave bruises afterward. Turning to my left I see a smile crossing Tate’s face. “Hey, sleeping beauty. We’re at Nova’s.”
“Ohh, thank God.” Relief courses through me. All I want to do is go in, fall into my bed, and forget the last hour and a half of my life. Of course, I actually have no idea how long Tate was in the house while I was out there alone, so I’m guesstimating here.
Before I can get out of the car, Tate has thrown his door open, strolled in front of the car, opened mine, and is lifting me out bridal-style. One hand planted on my lower back while the second hand sits tightly under my knees, supporting them.
He lifts up a foot to kick the door closed and walks towards the house, but before we can knock, the door is open, and my best friend is glaring at my mate. “It’s about damn time.”
“Excuse me?” His growl is deep and gravely.
“You heard me. She should’ve been home hours ago. I’ve been worried sick. Did you not see my texts?” She directs the last question to me, and it occurs to me that I have no idea where I left my phone.
Tate tenses beneath me, coiled like a snake about to strike. “You may be Rebel’s best friend, and this time, I’ll let it slide, but talk to me like that again, and I won’t be so civil. I understand the concern, but she is my mate. I will take care of her. I will be the one who makes sure that she is safe. Do we understand each other?”
Nova shifts nervously on her feet, arms crossed over her chest. My brave bestie stands up to my psycho mate. “Can you please put me…” I start to ask.
“Absolutely fucking not. I need to hold you for just a minute. My alpha is clawing at me to not let you go right now. So, deal.”
I bite my bottom lip and nod. I mean… what else was I going to say to him? Walking over to the couch he deposits me onto the middle cushion, again, he gives me a kiss on the forehead and heads towards the front door. “I guess, I’m going to grab our stuff from the car,” he says, reluctantly.
“Oh, no, you don’t, Tate Geekies, you are not staying here again.”
He smirks as he turns to face Nova. “Watch me, Beta.” He growls, and her body language shows me she curls in on herself a little but still has a firm look on her face. She’s standing up to a fucking pissed off alpha. That takes serious lady cojones.
“If you get so much as one idea in that big head of yours, I won’t hesitate to pull out the taser gun on your ass.”
His laughter follows him as he heads out the front door. “I’d like to see you try.”
Nova starts to walk towards me when another door down the hallway opens. “What’s all the yelling about out here?”
My eyes follow the voice, and I watch as Gunnar swaggers into the room, a big smile painted on his chiseled face, until he sees me.
“What the hell happened to you?” He demands, and I cringe.
“Gunnar! Tact. Find some.” Looking back at me, she holds out her hand. “Hey, let’s get you cleaned up while lover boy grabs the bags.”
I nod, not wanting to answer. She helps me up from the couch, and we start towards the hallway. “Need any help?” Gunnar asks as we pass, but Nova shakes her head.
“Damn right, she doesn’t need help. If anyone’s helping her right now. It’s me.” Tate strolls up behind Nova, fire burning in his pupils, and grabs me out from under the comfort of her touch, hauling me into his arms and heading towards the bathroom.
“Let’s get one thing clear. I get that Rebel is your mate, and you’re going all alpha right now, but you’re also being a fucking dick. In my house. Not yours. So, you need to stop being an asshole, focus on your mate, and I will go find some blankets for the couch.”
A growl rumbles from his chest, vibrating me in the process. “I’m sleeping with my mate. She has bedding, does she not?”
Rolling her eyes, she doesn’t even give the courtesy of a response before she storms off.
“Finally…” he whispers deeply, and I’m wondering if he's hoping I didn’t hear it. So I feel the need to let him know.
“You don’t need to be an asshole, Tate.” I sigh, taking a minute to calm myself. “Nova is… look, she’s just protective of me. Has been for as long as I can remember. So, you may be here, but you need to respect her. That girl has been through the ring of hell and back with me, and I will not tolerate dickish alpha behavior from you towards her.” Letting me go, I slide down his body, feeling every hard inch of the athletic body it is.
My lips are firmly closed, making sure the moan that wants to creep out doesn’t. There are a few things about tonight that just don’t make sense to me. Instead of sending calming vibes down the bond, why didn’t he come to my rescue with the guys outside of the house. If I was panicking, wouldn’t he know?
And why was he so calm about it? I’ve seen Tate. Calm is not one of his normal settings. Overbearing, possessive, and bullheaded are a few that come to my mind first, and none of these fall in line with the actions of tonight.