With my alpha pushing against my skin already, I know that’s not going to happen. She just bonded with me. So the likelihood that I’ll allow her out of my sight now that we’re fully bonded is unlikely. I glance at Drake. “Raincheck?”
He nods, a grin spreading across his face. “I’ll hold ya to it. Congrats, by the way.”
Turning, he leaves, using the same door he entered through.
eighteen - rebel
. . .
He pulls up to what I now know is his home, and I look over at him. “What are we doing here? You said you were taking me home.”
He smirks at me, but there's a hint of danger beneath that smile. “This is your home now, too. You’re my mate.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “No, I live with Nova.”
He reaches out to rest his hard palm against my cheek, and I jerk away. “You aren’t safe there, and I’m not willing to take the chance of something happening to you.”
I snort, winding my arms tighter around myself. “Well, you aren’t the boss of me.”
“You’re right. I’m not the boss, but as your mate and your alpha, I will decide what is best for your well-being, since it seems you don’t always make the best choices.” Ouch.
My eyes roll automatically at his tone. “Clearly.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he questions with dark, narrowed eyes.
“I’m with you, aren’t I?” I expect my response to make him angry, but all he does is start laughing. “Why is that funny?”
Without responding, he holds up his hand, showing me my bite mark. Right, stupid omega instincts. Because I know that’s exactly what happened. My omega side has been ticked that we didn’t mark him when he first marked us. So, even though I bit him trying to get away, she bit him for an entirely different reason.
“So, you have two choices…”
Everything pauses while I wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t. “Okay…”
“We either stay here and move you in or I’m going to go into that house and pack a bag so I can stay with you for a few days.”
I shift in my seat, and his eyes lower to my boobs. “Nova is not going to like that idea.”
He shrugs as if it’s not a big deal to just uproot me without blinking. “Don’t care. Those are your options, pick one.”
My omega is on hands and knees begging to stay with her alpha in his domain tonight, but I don’t want to leave Nova alone knowing that the guy looking for me may come back to finish what he started on her, so I decide on the safer choice. “Fine, go pack a bag, I guess. I don’t want Nova to be all alone.”
“I’m sure Gunnar wouldn’t mind taking care of her if you want to just stay here…” He offers, and I’m half tempted to take it, but I don’t know Gunnar, nor do I trust him to not screw over my best friend. Maybe in the future, but definitely not now.
“Want to come in while I grab stuff?”
“No, I’ll just stay here.” I know the second I walk back into that house, I’ll be swept up into all the little details, I’ll lose track of time, and then I’ll never get back to Nova’s. His scent will spin me into a tizzy, and my omega won’t leave without a fight.
Getting out slowly, he leaves me in the car to run inside. While he’s away, I take the time to look over where he lives because the last time I was here, everything was dark.
A few houses line the street, but they aren’t very close. Certainly not on top of each other like some of the houses around here. Tate’s house is modern, not gargantuan like I expected it to be but still as big as the one I grew up in. For some reason, in the dark, it looks bigger. Maybe it’s just the darkness giving it a shadow effect.
We pulled into a large circular drive with more than enough parking for multiple vehicles. The house standing in front of me is made up of stone, stucco, and masonry. The entrance is grand, and from what I remember, there’s a two story foyer when you walk in. He obviously pays someone to do the landscaping because that looks pristine, but I imagine when you make as much money as he likely makes, then he doesn’t even bat an eye at the bill.
And honestly, I couldn’t see Tate as someone who gardens.
The french doors opened to a grand entranceway. Shades of light tan and gray covered the walls and tiles to contrast with the dark furniture placed around the area. There was a large stairway leading up to the second floor. A chandelier lit up the space, shining as the crystals glittered and shot rays of light all around the room. Tile and hardwood coated the floors throughout the house, and even the stairs had gray carpeting down the middle.
I suddenly notice a for sale sign in the front yard of the house next door. A car pulls up and a tall, muscular guy gets out. My eyes roam over the body I can see from here, and I wish I was closer so I could get a better view. His profile reminds me slightly of his friend we met earlier today, Drake, I think it was? What’s he doing here? Wouldn’t Tate know if his teammate was moving in next door?