My head moves from side-to-side. “I don’t watch sports. It’s not really my thing.”
“Had you met him before last night?”
“Not that I remember. Did he…?” Her gaze drops.
I wrap my arms around my middle, suddenly feeling self conscious. “Nova, what are you saying?”
“Did he… I’d never accuse someone of this, let alone an athlete. I’ve heard the stories of puck bunnies who lie just to get a quick buck once they go pro, but…”
“No, I remember the fantasy game.” My cheeks heat, thinking about the fear and exhilaration of knowing the alpha was hunting me, and that once he found me, he’d fuck me. No questions asked. So, technically, I did consent, right? Because I wanted the sex. I wanted the control of saying yes on my terms. That I know for sure. But did I consent to the marking? That part is a little foggy.
Plus, if he’d violated me, I’d know, right? Like, there would be some sort of evidence… bruising, tearing. All those things we typically hear about in those cases.
Granted, I saw a few bruises in the shower, but my pussy feels sore only, there is no pain.
Closing my eyes, I picture how incredibly sexy he looked in the moonlight and how scent drunk I got on him when I caught the first whiff of white chocolate fudge; one of my favorite things in the entire world. Go figure.
Paranoia starts to creep into my mind. Before, I didn’t feel panic. I wasn’t scared, but the more I think about things, the more I grow concerned. Why can’t I remember? And was I really that drunk or did he drug me, too? Now she’s got me questioning the alpha. The one I was all too happy to rub my ass up against this morning like a cat in heat.
Fuck, my heat…
It’s coming up next month. What happens then? Will my new mate be here for me or will I need to go to the heat club? Worry churns my gut, and I can’t let it go. “What happens next?”
I didn’t realize that I’d said it out loud.
“I say we go see your mate. It appears that he has some explaining to do. They’re probably at practice by now.”
“They’re?” I question.
“Tate and Gunnar. They both stayed over last night.” A small weight lifts off my chest, and I grin at her.
I raise my eyebrow at her. “So, you’ve been holding out on me, and you’ve got your own alpha now?”
She rolls her eyes and giddily giggles. “No,” she clears her throat, “it's not like that. I’m a beta, why would he want me?”
“Because if he doesn’t want you, then he’s a blind, damn, moron. Give yourself some grace, Nova. You may be only a beta, in your words, but I see my best friend. A loyal, hilarious, goofy, sometimes overly dramatic…”
“Hey,” she says with a playful swat.
“But you’re amazing… drama or not, and you deserve to be happy. If he doesn’t make you happy, I would be more than amenable to using that little taser on his balls.”
She laughs at me, and I can’t help but giggle with her. “This is why we’re friends. All right, you get dressed, and I’ll meet you in the living room. We have a rogue goalie to hunt down and question.” Her determination has me laughing again as I dip past her and into my closet.
I go to let my towel drop, but then remember the warning Nova gave me about the cameras. Are they all over the house or just in my room? Not wanting to take any chances, I grab my clothes and head back to the bathroom. Let’s see how clever you are now that I know your secret, Tate…
fifteen - rebel
. . .
It takes about thirty five minutes to find all of the cameras hidden in my room. If I hadn’t been clued in, I wouldn’t have known they existed. Makes me wonder just how many times he’s planted cameras in someone's room. Well… that ends with me.
If Tate Geekies, don’t even get me started on that name - I know - thinks I’ll just lay down and roll over, then he’s in for a rude awakening. You don’t take away my right to choose a mate and expect me to just take it since I’m an omega.
“Hey, Nova!” I shout across the hall at her.
She dips her head out of her room, and we meet in the hall. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“We’re going out tonight. I need to get out of here and just enjoy time with my bestie.” I use that pout face to my advantage.