My brain is running a mile a minute as I try to remember what his name is. It’s embarrassing that I’m clearly in an intimate position with this alpha, his scent is familiar, and he’s marked me, but I know nothing else about him.
My head pounds the longer I lay here, so I unhappily pry myself out of his arms and stand, mildly wobbly on my feet as I make my way to the bathroom. I stumble a few times, but luckily, the hallway is narrow so I can grab both sides for support. Standing in front of the sink, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair’s a mess. My makeup is smeared. The bite mark between my neck and shoulder is still a little pink. I reach up to touch it but think better of the idea halfway there.
What the hell happened last night? Confusion hinders the thoughts trying to break free from their confinement. I remember Nova dragging me to the party, meeting him, the chase… my eyes widen. Shit, that really did happen!
But then… nothing.
Like my memories have turned to ashes, only figments and remnants available.
I can’t remember putting myself to bed, and I recognize now that I was more than likely drinking because the only time I feel this hungover the next day is when I get blackout drunk the night before. It’s not a new concept to me. I learned to drink my way through life and feelings at a young age.
I once bought a one hundred dollar bottle of champagne just to pour it down the sink simply because I could. We had the money, so what did it matter?
When I move to open the shower door, a wince creases my face. I definitely had copious amounts of sex last night. Alpha/omega sex… not the safe beta sex that doesn’t involve knots and stretching my pussy out to max capacity. Not that I’m complaining.
I should be freaking out more, right? Like… shouldn’t panic be rising in my chest as I realize that I not only slept with a strange alpha, I let him mark me, too?
The only thing that terrifies me right now is the fact that I’ve been marked, which means I’m bonded. Did I mark him back? I’d think if it was mutual, I’d feel more of a bond, right? It just doesn’t make sense, and my foggy brain can’t seem to find its way out of the twists and turns my random thoughts take.
Turning the shower on, I step away from it so it can heat up the room. I do my business and finally pee, my bladder thanking me for finally taking notice. By the time I’m ready for the shower, the steam is rising out of the top of the shower and fogging up the mirror. Just how I like it.
I quickly wash my hair and do a once over with the body puff, trying to get all the creases and crevices. The scent of alpha and cum runs down the drain and is replaced by the sweet scent of apple pie. I’ve always liked the way I smell.
By the time I’m done with my shower, I’ve gained enough courage to go talk to the alpha who marked me and then slept naked in my bed all night. I need answers. I’m mated to a stranger.
Turning off the shower, I step out onto the bath rug and wrap a towel around my hair to soak up extra water and under my armpits to cover up my nudity. Not that it matters, since he’s clearly seen me naked.
The door to Nova’s room opens, and she strides out. She starts to say something, and then realizes I’m standing in front of her.
“What the hell happened last night, Rebel? You wanna tell me why you decided to do some really stupid shit?” She’s giving me the mom look, the one that means business. An I'm-in-trouble kind of business.
“I don’t know.” I frown at her.
“What do you mean you don’t know? Is he still here?” She storms back into her room and grabs the taser she keeps hidden in her desk. “I am going to zap that asshole in the fucking balls.”
“He marked you, Rebel. Given the fact that you don’t seem to remember tells me that it probably wasn’t consensual. And he won’t mess with my bestie.” She gently shoves me out of the way and goes blazing, taser gun drawn, into my room.
I follow behind her, half-worried she’s going to use that thing. She’s just crazy enough to consider it, and I’d like to maybe get to know my mate before he loses his giblets.
“Mother fucker. That inconsiderate bastard took off already. Marks you, and then is too cowardly to face you the morning after.” My heart sinks as I step into the doorway of my room. It’s then I notice the sheets on the floor and the yellow paper sitting in the middle of my desk.
Reaching down, I pick it up and read the note. It’s a threat clear as day. “Did Brad do this?”
She shakes her head. “No, it seems like this was the work of someone else. By the way, we’re doing a clean sweep of your room today. Lover boy has apparently had cameras up, filming you for god knows how long.”
My brows furrow. “Wait, what?”
“Remember the night at the bar where you got drunk and couldn’t remember how you got home? I told you some guy had offered to carry you so you wouldn’t have to stumble down the street and be vulnerable?”
“Vaguely,”I say slowly.
“Well, he’s our mystery alpha. Your new mate is the star goalie for the Hellbenders.”
“Wait, the Hell… whaters?”
“Hellbenders. Columbus’ NHL league? Ring a bell?”