Page 30 of Knot Your Rebel

It's like we’re all fully aware that some of us are worse than others, but no one ever really talks about it. Some of us have odd kinks and weird shit, but we always have each others backs.

“Nope, but he’s about to know me. And personally, I can’t fucking wait to introduce myself.” I’m sure the smile broadening my lips is evil incarnate, and I don’t care. I live for the thrill of being someone’s pain, someone’s torment. Oh, the many things I could do to our little friend here.

“Gunnar?” I hear Nova’s voice over my shoulder. “What’s going on?”

Before I can respond, she’s grabbing my phone from my hand, anger paints her face in a pink hue. “What the fuck is this? This is my fucking house. Who is that? And where the hell is Rebel? I’ve been looking for her for ten minutes.” Her eyes continue to roam the room, looking for her bestie, as if, suddenly, she's going to pop up from thin air like some sort of damn genie. “Just so you know… after we make sure she’s okay, we’re going to have a conversation about why you’ve set up cameras in my house.”

Ignoring her comment, I go on to speak. “She’s not here. I left her right over there,” I nod to the doorway to the kitchen, “to get drinks, and she bounced. Believe me, I’m not thrilled. She’s putting herself in danger, walking around like she isn’t an omega who smells like the best damn pie you’ve ever eaten. Fuck this. I need to go.” Shoving my phone into my pocket, I start heading toward the door like a man on a fucking rescue mission.

“W-where are you going?” Nova questions me.

“With you, obviously.” I roll my eyes at her. Is she serious right now? “That guy clearly has something against m-my Rebel.” I almost say mate, but I resist. I want Rebel to tell her when she feels comfortable about it. But I also want her to tell her right damn now. I want to claim my mate and make sure that everyone knows she's mine. I’m a fucking animal, and you best believe I’m going to act like one. “I plan to find out exactly what it is he’s looking for, and swear to God, if she makes it home while he’s still there, I will kill that motherfucker without a second goddamn thought. You can trust that. I just have to grab something real quick.”

My feet pad quickly across the floor as I stroll towards the kitchen in search of the object of my desire. The expression on her face when I return is part concern, part curiosity. Holding up the item, I wiggle it at her. “Never can be too safe.”

She nods, biting her bottom lip as if she’s still thinking it over. Fine, she can think it over, and while she does that, I’ll be going to find Rebel.

My eyes roam over Nova’s face. If I hadn’t met Rebel, I might’ve said that she’s a gorgeous beta, but I do have Rebel, who is exquisite. Nova doesn’t hold a candle to my omega. Now, I just need my omega to understand that she’s mine and she needs to make better decisions. This one is not one of them.

I’m going to start a list for her: no running, no backtalk, no putting herself in danger, no drinking. And… I sound like a tyrant, but my give a fucks are busted.

The mere thought of painting her luscious ass red with my handprints has my cock rising to the occasion. I shift, trying to hide the boner I’m sporting in front of my mates best friend.

“Let’s go,” I growl at Nova, who scurries to catch up.

Gunnar squares his shoulders. “I’m coming, too.” A vacant look consumes his eyes. He’s remembering what happened to his sister.

He didn’t make it there in time. A regret he will harbor for the rest of his life. The knowledge of what was done to her shadows their relationship to this day. We can only speculate without the truth. The only people who will know were the ones in that very basement when it occurred.

I recoil with a shudder as nausea builds from the mere thought of Rebel in that situation. I may be fucked up, but I’d never do that to a woman unless she begged me for it.

We all pile into Gunnar’s BMW. I beat Nova to the passenger side door to ride shotgun, and when I turn to raise my eyebrows at her, she shrugs and goes to open the backdoor, grabbing the handle and opening it before ducking inside.

“So, what exactly is the plan here, Tate? You’re the mastermind,” he asks me, throwing the car into gear and speeding off down the road faster than is legal. He knows the importance of getting there as quickly as possible.

I give him an irritated sigh. “Whatever it takes.”

He gives me a singular nod. He gets it. “I’ve got a bag in the spare tire well. Should have everything we need.” I pull the blade from my pocket and flip it open. I let my finger drag over the tip of it, cutting my finger just enough that blood streams down it. It hurts like fuck, but the pain helps bring me back down to reality; keeping me centered.

I don’t want to make them an accessory to murder tonight, but I won’t hesitate to do it, either. Rebel is more important to me than both of them combined. I’d burn the world to the ground if I had to just to make sure she’s safe.

I’ll get them out of there if shit goes downhill. I shake my head. I can’t kill him. If I do that, then my mate is left unprotected, and hell will freeze over before I allow that to happen.

We’d be like fucking Romeo and Juliet. She’s my fucking other half, my soul, and if she dies, I swear, I’m plunging myself right into the depths of hell beside her. Or maybe I’m sneaking into heaven? Either way…

The sound of Nova’s voice from the backseat grabs my attention, but she’s not talking to us. I turn slightly and notice the cell phone held to her ear.

“Hey, girl. Where are you? I’ve been looking everywhere.”

She’s quiet as she listens to whatever my mate is saying to her through the line.

“Yeah, hold on.” She catches my attention and lifts her first finger against her lips, telling me to stay quiet. My head dips in understanding. “Okay, what’s going on, Rebel. You’ve got me worried. Wait, are you drunk? Your speech is a little slurred.”

An audible sigh fills the space around us. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

“Um, no?” She says as a question. “Rebel… you’re really weirding me out. Just tell me what the fuck happened. Where are you? Why did you leave? I thought we were leaving together.” She sounds hesitant with her words this time.

She gasps, and the blood drains from her face. Every strand of hair stands up on the back of my neck. “What the fuck? Why are you there? What if they come back?” She rapid-fires the questions at Rebel.