“We are still married.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Who I’m with and not with has no bearing on our abductions and captivity.” She rests her forearms on the table. “Our relationship status stays between the four of us. Let the world think what they want. Do not engage in those discussions.”

“The more controlled the environment, the better we can manage the narrative.” I meet the eyes of the bastards who are fucking my wife. “Is everyone in agreement?”

They nod, glowering.

Fuck them.

“What about the crate we had on the Turbo Beaver?” she asks. “Where are Wolf’s personal belongings?”

“Melanie is shipping everything here. Except the items that would be used as evidence if a homicide is reported.”

“You mean the bones.” Leo threads a hand through his hair.

“Yes.” I can’t help but think about Kaya’s death. When I glance at Kody, I see my sadness reflected in his eyes. “The media cannot get wind of it.” I pull out my phone. “I’ll message Melanie to get an update on the crate and the investigation.”

As I type out the message to the lawyer, I also send a quick text to Greyson. I need to make sure the attic is cleaned up.

I talked to him early this morning, so it’s probably already done. But when Leo goes snooping around up there, all evidence of my breakdown last night must be gone.

Seconds later, my phone buzzes with an all-clear from Greyson.

I breathe a silent sigh of relief. “The lawyer will get back to us soon.”

“What about the plane we saw in the hills?” Leo watches me, his eyes sharp and suspicious. “We built an SOS for it, but it never returned. Do you know anything about it?”

“It was mentioned in the journal, and I made the same assumption you did. Trophy hunters. But I didn’t see anything like that during my searches on the ground or in the air while looking for Frankie.”

“So you have no idea who it was?” His frown darkens with distrust.

“No, but we need to find out. With Denver’s threat and Rurik’s criminal history hanging over us, we can’t afford to leave any stone unturned.”

“Do you think someone was watching the cabin from the air?” She searches my expression.

“It’s possible.”

“If someone was watching us,” Kody says, “they know the cabin’s location. They could be a threat. They could be watching us now.”

All eyes fall on me.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” I finish my coffee, thinking through our options. “I’ll have Sirena look into flight traffic during that time. Maybe we can identify the pilot.”

“Why Sirena?” She squints.

“She leads my investigative team.”

“And she’s the best?”

“She hasn’t failed me yet.”

“Oh, good. You should let her handle your other problem, too.”

“What other problem?” I lean forward, daring her to cross that line.

“You know…” She twists her lips. “Those urges that aren’t being satisfied.”