“Fine.” She grits her teeth, glaring at me. “Keep her. But don’t expect me to trust her. Or you, for that matter.”
“Do you trust her?” Leo asks me.
“I don’t trust anyone.”
“Right.” Leo huffs.
Frankie doesn’t respond, just turns away.
Emotions are wrung out, and tempers are tight. We sit in strained silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts.
Eventually, Kody rests an arm on the table and brings us back around. “If we don’t mention Wolf, no one will know of his existence except us and the investigator. What happens if we mention him?”
“If you mention him, he’ll be known only as a victim of abuse and suicide.” The thought makes my stomach turn, but this isn’t my decision. I lost that right when I dropped off his mother at the abortion clinic. I clear my throat. “Which would he prefer?”
“He had a flair for dramatics.” Leo traces the edge of a butter knife. “He would choose negative media attention over nothing at all.”
“Wolf is ours to protect.” She grips Leo’s hand on the table. “Then and now. So that’s what we’ll do. We’ll protect him from this, even if that means keeping him a secret.”
Everyone mumbles their agreement.
I can’t look away from her hand where it entwines so casually with Leo’s. She’s pissed that I employ a woman I haven’t touched. Yet she’s fucking my nephew and my brother under my roof.
She’s not just fucking them. She loves them.
They share so many things that exclude me, including my son.
It’s fucking crushing.
The worst part is I only have myself to blame. My mistakes put me in this position.
Frankie gives me a sad smile, and for a span of several heartbeats, a flicker of understanding passes between us.
But a dark shadow remains, hovering over our fragile peace.
Leo and Kody exchange uneasy glances, knowing the battle between my wife and me is far from over.
Oliver delivers breakfast to Frankie and Kody while we discuss the safest location to do the exclusive. All four of us would be questioned by the media, so it’s crucial we get this right.
“We should hold the interviews here.” I motion at the main house. “That way, I can control the security and ensure we aren’t caught off guard.”
The conversation pauses as Oliver collects empty dishes from Leo and me and returns to the house.
When the door closes behind him, I reiterate the importance of discretion around the guards and household staff.
“We need to stay united and consistent with our story. No mention of our ties to Rurik Strakh. No mention of any crimes beyond the abductions. When they ask, you claim ignorance.”
“What about Frankie’s relationship with Kody and me?” Leo raises an eyebrow.
“That’s none of their business.”
“So we let them believe you’re still married?”