“Okay.” I smile, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “You need sleep. Come on.”

I lead her to the guest bedroom across the hall from mine, tucking her into bed. She looks so small, so vulnerable. I lean down, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I’ll watch over you,” I whisper. “I love you, Frankie.”

“I know. That’s part of the problem.” Her eyes grow heavy, closing as sleep tries to claim her.

Perched on the bed beside her, I watch her breathe. This woman, my wife, my world. I will do whatever it takes to protect her, to keep her safe. No matter the cost.

The night is still, but my mind is anything but. Somewhere out there, someone wants to hurt her. I won’t sleep until I remove that fucker from the planet. When the time comes, I won’t hesitate to take the killing blow.

“Monty,” she mumbles, opening her eyes. “You should get some rest.”

“I’ll rest when there are no more threats against you.”

“You can’t protect me if you’re exhausted.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“So fucking hardheaded.” She shifts, inching away, making room for me. “Sleep here.” She pats the empty spot. “Above the blankets. No touching. Promise me.”

“I promise.” I lie on my side, facing her with a fuzzy glow of warmth in my chest.

“I hurt you.” She meets my gaze, her eyes fierce. “I regret it, Monty. So much. The pain I’ve caused you, the torment of knowing I’m with them. God, I can’t believe you watched us.”


“Having sex with them under your roof was disrespectful and cruel. The justification I gave myself, my resentment, my distrust…I was so angry with you. But that ends now. As long as I live here, I won’t have sex with them. Not in your home.” She pulls in a breath. “I’ll still sleep with them at night. But that’s all we’ll do.”

The relief that washes over me is immediate, overwhelming. But with it comes a stab of doubt. Leo and Kody will never sleep beside her without fucking her.

I wouldn’t.

Except that’s precisely what I’m doing tonight.

Before I can formulate a response, the rhythm of her breathing slows, the grip of sleep finally taking hold.

I watch her, my heart aching with love and regret. So much has been lost, but so much still remains.



Amid the silken folds of the night, in the guest bedroom of my island mansion, I find a rare solace.

Breath by breath, Frankie inches closer to me in sleep, reaching, rolling, stripping away the separation between us, until finally, she settles into the heart space between my arms.

Her small, warm body seeks refuge on my chest, her hair spilling like molten copper around my ribs.

I lie perfectly still, every muscle held in a delicate balance of tension and reverence. The slightest movement could wake her, and the fragile connection we’ve rekindled would shatter.

The soft rhythm of her breath sings to my loneliness, soothing me in a way no one else can. For the first time in almost a year, I’m happy. Truly, deeply happy.

The love we once shared, a love I desperately hope to revive, feels close enough to touch. I refuse to sleep through a single second of it.

As dawn approaches, the room brightens, the Alaskan sunrise filtering through the heavy drapes. I need to rise. There’s much to be done. But for a few more stingy minutes, I remain still, reluctant to separate us.